省钱save[英][seɪv] [美][sev] 中英文对照:以物易物商店 不是只有货比三家可以省钱。时常擦亮眼睛那些可以以物易物的可选择的更便宜的产品。每天都有新产品出现,并且这些通常都伴随着试卖价和购物券,这给我们一个绝好的机会去尝试一些新的东西,并且在购物上省钱。 Swap Shop It’s not just comparing supermarkets that can save money. Always keep an eye out for alternative, cheaper products that you can swap. New products are launched daily and often are available with an introductory price or coupon, offering the perfect opportunity to try something new and save on your shopping. 中英文例句 1. How do they save time? 这样怎么能节省时间呢? 2. That will save another 2.5 megawatts. 所节约的电力将会增加2.5兆瓦特。 3. Breast screening does save lives. 乳腺癌筛查确实能拯救生命。 4. What can save this marriage? 有什么可以挽救这段婚姻呢? 5. How much money would that save? 这一提案能节省多少钱? |