生活life[英][laɪf] [美][laɪf] 中英文故事:以动物为老师(4) 安琪儿每天都在向我展示热爱生活和尽情享受生活的重要性。我们一起走在小路上的时候,对我来说,只是走路而已;对他,却是奔跑——看着他跑来跑去,的确是一种快乐。他因为投入,所以快乐。他跑,全然出于喜欢——不是为了锻炼,也不是因为医生说"应该"跑步。他为快乐而奔跑,为自由而奔跑,为促进肾上腺分泌的快感而奔跑;也为了发现新路、摒弃老路而奔跑。他并不在乎所跑的路是否是曾经的老路,只要奔跑,他就激情满怀,自得其乐。 He has demonstrated to me, day after day, the importance of loving life and living life to the fullest. When we go out on the paths—me to walk, him to run一to watch him run back and forth is such a pleasure to see as he puts “his all” into it. He runs for the pure joy of it—not because he needs the exercise, or because his doctor told him he “should”. He runs for the pleasure of running, for the sense of freedom, and the sense of adrenaline that fills his body. He runs to discover new trails, and he runs with abandon on the old trails as well. He doesn’t care whether it’s the same old, he’s excited to be alive and enjoying “being”. 中英文例句 1. What is your life motto? 你的生命箴言是? 2. Is there life after death? 人死后还有生命吗? 3. Do you have life insurance? 你买了人寿保险吗? 4. This is about your life. 因为这是你的人生。 5. Life is like a marathon. 人生就像一场马拉松。 |