可爱cute[英][kju:t] [美][kjut] 中英文故事:以动物为老师(2) 安琪儿是拉不多犬与家犬的混血儿。他十分可爱,讨人喜欢,和他在一起惬意无比。我之所以叫他安琪儿,是因为我觉得是天使带他到我家门口,让他来做我的老师、我的朋友、我的玩伴和我的守护神。 在我们相处一年的时间里,安琪儿让我学到了许多许多。他提醒我,要拿出时间娱乐,要多去户外呼吸一下新鲜空气,散散步 (对他来说,所谓散步就是奔跑如风)。他身上展现了生活的丰富多彩。他能尽享生活之乐、容易兴奋、乐在其中。我连续工作数小 时后,安琪儿就会提醒我:该休息了。 Part Lab and part chow, he was cute, affec¬tionate ,and a joy to have around. He was named Angel since I felt he had been brought to my door¬step by angels to serve as my teacher, my friend, my playmate, and my guardian an¬gel. In the year that he's been with us he has taught me many things. He reminds me to take time to play, to go out in the fresh air and walk (or in his case, run like the wind). He demonstrates exuberance for life, he has a great capacity for joy, for excitement, for pleasure. He reminds me when I’ve been working too many hours in a row that it’s time to take a break. 中英文例句 1. These cute seabirds are penguins! 这些可爱的海鸟就是企鹅! 2. These countries form more than just a cute acronym. 这些国家所代表的并非一个可爱的缩写形式。 3. Suri had opted for a cute floral design. 苏芮给自己的指甲选了一款可爱的花瓣设计。 4. These cute seabirds have wings, but they cannot fly. 这些可爱的海鸟拥有翅膀,却不支飞翔。 5. It might be harmless to purchase that cute little stuffed toy for your toddler. 为你的孩子买可爱的小毛绒玩具也许是有害的。 |