情景moment[英]['məʊmənt] [美]['moʊmənt] 中英文故事:硬币(7) "你认为这样的好运气是偶然撞上的还是天意呢?” “这些年里我常常思考这个问题。不知接线员当时是不是听出了我惴惴不安的心情;也许是她让电话机拒收硬币的;也许……是上帝的旨意。” “你永远无法找出确切答案,是吧?” 他摇了摇头,触摸着文镇,似乎从中汲取了力量。“找不到答案,但我永远不会忘记当时 的情景和那一角硬币。在这些年里,我多次偿还了这笔债。我希望就像一角钱帮了我一样,我也帮了其他人。” have repaid that debt many times over the years, else as much as a dime helped me, ’, heard the fear in my voice; perhaps she prevented the machine from accepting the coins. Or maybe. .. it was an act of God. ” “You’ll never know for sure, will you?” He shook his head, touching the paperweight as if he drew strength from it. “No, but I’ll always remem¬ber that moment and that dime. 中英文例句 1. This is a watershed moment. 这是一个分水岭时刻。 2. This is a dangerous moment. 这是个危险的时刻。 3. Now might be a dangerous moment. 现在是一个非常危险的时候。 4. Treasure every moment you have! 珍爱你的每一瞬间! 5. Now the much-awaited moment is upon us. 眼下万众期待的时候就要到了。 |