守门员goalkeeper[英][ˈgəʊlki:pə(r)] [美][ˈɡolˌkipɚ] 中英文小故事:最佳守门员 一个人正沿着伦敦的一条大街散步,突然听到一个女人的呼叫声,并闻到空气中有一股淡淡的焦煳味。他立刻向那个方向奔去,过了拐角,他看到一大群人围站在那里望着一座熊熊燃烧的大楼。 只见在大楼的第10层上,一个年轻女人正抱着婴儿将身体探出窗外,向人们大声求救。 那人飞身向前,冲楼上的那个女人喊道:“把孩子扔下来吧,我来接住她!” 那个女人大声喊道:“不!不!你要是失手,她会被摔死的!” 那人说:“不!我不会失手的。我是戴维•西曼。我是1996年欧洲杯英格兰队的最佳守门员。整个锦标赛期间我都没有失过一次手。” 那女人大声说:“好吧!我相信你。我别无选择。我把她扔下去了!” 烈焰在四周呼呼燃烧着,那女人将孩子从窗口扔了下来。然而,裹孩子的披风边挂到了那个女人的手表上,所以孩子旋转着头朝下向一边偏去,她幼小的四肢在空中胡乱挥动着。 看到这个情景,那个女人又尖叫了起来,人群也目瞪口呆。所有的人都认为孩子这下完了,因为她会落在那人够不到的地方。 婴儿继续旋转下落,距离那人越来越远,可他仍然一动不动。随后,就在婴儿只差几英尺就要摔到地面的一刹那,那人纵身一跃,足足跃出有30英尺远,越过人行道,用张开的右手接住了婴儿,将孩子揽到胸前,并用左手臂护住了她的身体。而他则重重地摔在了地上,在人行道上静躺了一会儿,随后站起身转向人群,大家看到婴儿毫发未损。 人们充满了敬佩之情.人群中爆发出了欢呼声。 那人向围观的人群招手致意,然后慢慢地、动作优美地轻轻拍了婴儿两下,将她扔向了人群。 The Best Goalkeeper A man is walking down a street in London when he hears a woman screaming and detects a faint smell of burning in the air. He runs down the street and around a corner he sees a huge group of people standing and watching a blazing building. On the tenth floor of the building a young woman, clutching a bundle to her chest,is leaning out of a windows screaming for someone to save her baby. The man steps forward and calls up to the woman, “Throw down your baby and I’ll catch it!” “No! No!” the woman shouts back. “You might miss or drop my baby and she ll be killed!” “No,I won’t!” shouts the man. “I am David Seaman. I was the best goalkeeper for England in Euro 1996 and I didn’t miss a match all through the tournament. ” “OK!” screams the woman. “I’ll trust you. I’ve no choice! Here she comes!” So, with the flames roaring all around her, the woman throws the baby from the window. However, the edge of the baby’s shawl catches on the woman’s watch with the result that the child goes spinning off to one side,tumbling head over heels and with her little arms and legs flailing. The woman screams and the crowd gasps, all sure that the baby will perish because she will fall out of reach of the man. The man remains motionless as the child descends spinning and tumbling further and further away from him. Then when the baby is only a few feet from hitting the ground the man dives a full 30 feet across the pavement, catches the baby in his outstretched right hand,pulls her in towards his chest and shields her body with his left hand and arm. He hits the ground heavily on his right side and lies motionless on the pavement for a few seconds. Then, slowly, he raises himself to his feet and turns to face the crowd and everyone sees that the child is alive. The crowd is awe-struck. Then the crowd erupts with cheers. The man waves to the crowd of on-lookers. Then, slowly and gracefully, he taps the baby twice and throws her at the crowd. 中英文例句 1. The back-up goalkeeper left the squad at the weekend after his four-year-old son luca was diagnosed. 在其四岁儿子卢卡的病情确诊之后,这名替补守门员已于周末离开球队。 2. Wigan goalkeeper chris kirkland has snubbed a move to cardiff because he's desperate to prove boss roberto martinez wrong. 维冈门将克里斯柯克兰拒不接受转会到加迪夫,因为他非常想证明主教练罗伯托马丁内斯是错的。 3. Schalke 04 goalkeeper manuel neuer said he has to touch the goalposts before the game starts. “沙尔克04”足球俱乐部的守门员曼努埃尔诺伊尔说,他在比赛开始前必须摸摸球门柱。 4. Legendary dutch footballer johan cruyff used to slap his goalkeeper in the stomach before each match. 荷兰传奇足球运动员约翰克鲁伊夫(johan cruyff)每次比赛前都习惯去拍守门员的肚子。 5. Mourinho, whose father was a goalkeeper who played once for the portuguese national side, never made it as a footballer. 尽管穆里尼奥的父亲曾经是为葡萄牙国家队效力过的守门员,但他本人从未是一名成功的足球运动员。 |