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时间:2014-03-06 09:32来源:http://yr.89sp.com 作者:编辑组 点击:
从前,据说魔鬼要准备金盆洗手了,想把自己所有的本事都出让给那些愿意掏钱买下的人。 在出售本事的那个重要的日子里,他把所有诱人的本事都摆出来展示。其中有嫉妒、猜忌、仇
于是,魔鬼答道:“在我看来,它要比其他本事有用得多。我可以用这个本事 :来窥探并潜入人的内心,而用其他本事便办不到这些。一旦我潜入了人的内心,便可以随心所欲地使用它。它的确用旧了,因为我把它用在所有可用的人身上, 没有多少人知道这一本事是属于我的。”

Discouragement一A Tool of the Devil
Once upon a time it was announced that the devil was going out of business and would sell all his equipment to those who were willing to pay the price.
On the big day of the sale, all his tools were attractively displayed. There were Envy ,Jealousy,Hatred,Malice,Deceit,Sensuality,Pride,Idolatry,and other implements of evil display. Each of the tools was marked with its own price tag.
Over in the comer by itself was a harmless looking,wedge-shaped tool very much worn,but still it bore a higher price than any of the others. Someone asked the devil what it was,and he answered,“ That is Discouragement.” The next question came quickly,“And why is it priced so high even though it is plain to see that it is worn more than these others?”
“Because,’’replied the devil,“ It is more useful to me than all these others. I can pry open and get into a man’s heart with that when I cannot get near him with any other tools. Once I get inside,I can use him in whatever way suits me best. It is worn well because I use it on everybody I can,and few people even know it belongs to me.
This tool was priced so high that no one could buy it,and to this day it has never been sold. It still belongs to the devil,and he still uses it on mankind.
