船boat[英][bəʊt] [美][bot] 中英文小故事: 纸船中的男孩 有一个叫做杰克的男孩会折各种纸船。一天晚上,杰克用一张杂志纸折出了最珍贵的小船。这条船上到处都是文字和图片。它的帆是杰克所见过的纸船中最高的、最好的。杰克把这艘新船摆在床边的桌子上然后就睡着了。 杰克睡着了,这时从纸船上传出细微的声响。船上出现了一个戴蓝色帽子的矮个子船长和三名穿着条纹衫的船员。船长喊道:“松开尾绳,准备出发!” 杰克醒了,发现自己躺在纸船上,而卧室里充满了海水。纸船从床头柜上滑落,穿过房间,沿着大厅,驶出前门,驶入街道,直奔大型购物中心。 纸船转弯时差一点撞到一个瓶子,杰克着实吓了一跳。 前方他听见一阵很大的响声。那是一条很大的排水管口。小纸船被吸了进去,在冲过黑暗的长管道时险些翻船。 小船离开黑暗的管道驶人亮处,杰克发现他们一直驶向巨型购物中心,停车场竟是波涛滚动的大海。 一艘纸船朝他们开过来,这是一艘最令人恐惧的纸船, 要多可怕有多可怕。挂着黄色大帆的船上,纸海盗们挥舞着利剑。 接着发生了一场激战,杰克像一名真正的英雄一样与海盗展开搏斗。船侧的许多洞使得 海盗船沉下去,此时杰克和船员们喊着:“胜利万岁!” 杰克乘船安全地回到了自己的床头柜,祝福水手们好运后 他钻进自己的被窝睡了个好觉 杰克总是把纸船放在床头柜上,好随时去帮助船长和他的船员们。 The Boy in the Paper Boat There was once a boy named Jack who knew how to make paper boats. One evening, Jack folded the most worthy boat out of a magazine page. It had words and pictures all over it. Its sail was truly the tallest and best Jack had ever seen on a paper boat. Jack put his new boat on the table next to his bed and went to sleep. As Jack slept,small noises began to come from the paper boat. There was a little captain with a blue hat and three crewmen with striped shirts. The captain shouted, “ Let loose the stern line and prepare to sail!” Jack awoke and found as his bedroom filled with slipped off the bed table and the hall,out the front door and into the street toward the shopping mall. Jack was afraid as the paper boat turned a corner, narrowly missing a bottle. Up ahead he could hear a roar. It was the mouth of a very large drain. The little boat was sucked in and nearly turned upside down as it raced through a long dark pipe. When the boat came out into the light,Jack could see that they had sailed all the way to the giant shopping mall. The parking lot was a vast rolling sea. The scariest paper boat Jack could have imagined sailed toward them. The boat had big yellow sails and Jack could see paper pirates waving their swords. There was a fierce battle and Jack fought the pirates like a true hero. When the pirate ship sank with many holes in its side. Jack and the sailors yelled “Hooray!” The paper boat brought Jack safely hack to his bed table and, after wishing the paper sailors good luck,he climbed back into his bed for a good night’s sleep. Jack kept the paper boat on his bed table always, in case the paper captain and crew should ever need his help again. 中英文例句 1. You're out of the boat. 你再次离开了那条船。 2. That boat in the photo is called scarlett. 照片中的这条船是斯嘉丽号。 3. Jesus was asleep in the boat. 主耶稣在船里睡了。 4. It is a shot of ocean, boat and sky as one glorious place. 这是一个海洋、小船和天空共处一个瑰丽地方的镜头。 5. Unique boat promoted shamrock green shakes during march to celebrate st. patrick's day. 用来推销三叶草绿色奶昔的奇特小船,在三月期间庆祝圣帕特里克节。 |