狮子lion[英]['laɪən] [美][ˈlaɪən] 中英文小故事:老鼠和狮子 从前一只小老鼠跑到一只狮子身上,一下子吵醒了狮子。愤怒的狮子一把抓住老鼠,握着它。“不要吃我,大王!”老鼠乞求道:“对不起!如果您放了我,我再也不会打搅您了。您的大恩大德我永世不忘,总有一天我会报答您的”。狮子呢,根本没有要吃这个小东西的意思,只是想吓吓它。狮子微微一笑:“好吧,好吧。一只老鼠想报答狮子!难道你要帮我猎食?还是要在我的地盘上吼叫?”老鼠无言以对,只好说:“大王,我真会报答您的。”“行了。你走吧,”狮子说着就张开了爪子。老鼠充满感激地走开了。 过了一些日子,獅子掉进了陷阱,被一张很结实的网紧紧地套住了。他想尽办法却无法逃脱。越是使劲挣扎网套得就越紧,最后连爪子也被套紧了。他一动也不能动,心想:这下完了。他的力量、爪子、令人生畏的牙齿,这一切都帮不了他。他正要向无情的命运屈服的时候,听到一个很微弱的声音:“您需要帮助吗?大王。”狮子折腾了半天已经精疲力竭了,他眼含泪水,愤怒无比。狮子闻声四处张望。“噢,原来是你啊。我想你帮不上什么忙的。”但是,老鼠插话说:“我可以咬断绳子。我有坚硬的牙齿,这虽然得花点时间,但是我觉得我能成功。”说罢,小老鼠就啃起了绳子,啃得很快。不一会儿,狮子很快地把一只爪子伸了出来,接着,另一只爪子,最后他整个身子都从网中挣脱出来了。“您看,大王,”老鼠说道,“您当时放了我一条生路,我现在终于能够回报您了”“你说得太对了。像我这样的大动物以前从来没有想过有一天自己会对你这么个小家伙心存感激。” The Mouse and the Lion Once upon a time a little mouse,running over a lion he had chanced upon,happened to wake him up. The angry lion grabbed the mouse and held it to his jaws. “Don’t eat me,Your Majesty!” the mouse pleaded,“Forgive me! If you let me go,1’11 never bother you again. I ll always be grateful,and will do you a good turn one day. ” The lion, who had no intention of eating such a little scrap,and only wanted to frighten the mouse,smiled,“Well,well. A mouse that hopes to do a lion a good turn! By helping me to hunt,maybe? Or would you rather roar in my place?” The mouse was at a loss for words. “Sire,I really.,,“All right. You can go,”said the lion,shortly, opening his paw. The mouse went thankfully away. Some days later, the lion fell into a trap and found he was caught fast in a stout net. Try as he might,he could came entangled in the mesh, till even his paws were held fast. He could not move an inch: it was the end. His strength, claws and fearsome fangs gave him no help in freeing himself from the tangle. He was about to resign himself to a cruel fate when he heard a small voice, “Do you need help,Sire?” Exhausted by his struggles, his eyes wet with rage,the lion looked round. “Oh,it’s you! rm afraid there’s little you can do for me. ” But the mouse broke in,“I can gnaw the ropes. I have strong teeth and, though it will take me some time. 111 manage. ” So the lit- tle mouse quickly gnawed at the meshes and soon the lion tugged a paw free, then another,till he finally succeeded in working himself free of the net. “You see, Sire,” said the mouse» “I’ve done you a good turn in exchange for the favor you did me in letting me go unharmed.” “How right you are. Never before has a big animal like myself had to be so grateful to a little scrap like you!” 中英文例句 1. Each adult lion needs 10-15 pounds of meat every day. 每只成年狮子每天需要10到15磅肉。 2. For lion, there will be a mac app store. 对于狮子,也会有一个软件商店。 3. I'm a lion. I'm your grandfather. 我是一头狮子.我是你的祖父. 4. He then disappeared and reportedly was eaten by a lion. 他之后失踪了,据传闻他被狮子吃掉了。 5. The lion and two tigers were more than 65 pounds underweight. 这头狮子和两只老虎都严重重量不足,比正常体重低65磅。 6. I cautiously approached him, like a lion stalking his pray. 我小心翼翼地向他靠近,就像一个狮子接近它的猎物。 |