狐狸fox[英][fɒks] [美][fɑks] 中英文小故事:狐狸和乌鸦 从前,一只乌鸦偷了一块奶酪。他站在树枝上,准备美餐一顿。一只狐狸路过这里,看见了乌鸦嘴里的奶酪。 “我怎么才能把那块奶酪骗到手?”狐狸自言自语道。狡猾的狐狸走到那棵树下,坐在乌鸦下面。 “老朋友,”狐狸奉承道。“你知道你长得有多么好看吗?你的翅膀在太阳下闪闪发光,你的羽毛真漂亮!” 狐狸继续说:“我没有听你唱过歌,但我敢肯定,你长得那么漂亮,你的歌声也一定很动听”。 乌鸦听了非常高兴,他张开嘴巴,想让狐狸听听自己美妙的歌喉。 乌鸦刚张开嘴,奶酪就掉到了地上。狡猾的狐狸立刻叼起奶酪,吃掉后便走开了。狐狸一边走,一边舔嘴巴,一边笑可怜的乌鸦。 The Fox and the Crow Once upon a time,a crow stole a piece of cheese,and stood on a branch of a tree to eat it. A fox came by,and he saw the crow with the piece of cheese in his mouth. “ How can I trick this fellow into giving me the cheese?” he said to himself. The cunning fox came and sat under the tree,just below where the crow was sitting. “Old fellow,”he said in a flattering voice,“are you a- ware how nice you look? Your wings shine in the sun. What a fine bird you are!” “I have not heard your voice,”he went on, “but I know it will be just as fine as the rest of you. ” The crow was so pleased that he opened his mouth. He wanted to show the fox how well he could sing. As soon as he started to sing,the cheese fell out. The fox quickly got it,and ate it up. The cunning fox trotted a- way. He laughed to himself at the poor crow,and licked his lips as he went. 中英文例句 1. Behind the designer shades his eyes were those of a fox. 时髦的墨镜下面藏着如狐狸般狡猾的眼睛。 2. Yet has the fox been offered any prestigious city jobs? 不过,有没有人为狐狸提供一份伦敦金融城的体面工作呢? 3. It is not often that professors find a fox sitting among their students. 如果教授们看到学生中间坐着一只狐狸,这可能并不常见。 4. Contrary to popular belief, you can major in chemistry and be a fox. 与流行的观点相反,你完全可以当一个狐狸来钻营化学。 5. A rabbit might outrun a fox, but stalks of wheat aren't making any quick getaways. 兔子有可能逃脱狐狸的捕猎,但麦秆儿们可没什么逃生的法子。 6. In the morning, it's cold and you may see a fox or other wild animals prowling around. 在寒冷的早上,你可能会看到狐狸或是其他悄悄潜行出来觅食的野生动物。 |