从前,一只饥饿的小兔子发现了一个菜园。园子是一个有钱人的,但是他从来都不吃蔬菜。于是小兔子就吃了一颗白菜、两颗生菜和三个胡萝卜。然后它就蹦蹦跳跳地回家了。 第二天晚上,小兔子又饿了,于是它带了另一只小兔子去菜园(现在有两只小兔子了)》它们每人吃了一颗白菜、两颗生菜和三个胡萝卜,然后就蹦蹦跳跳地回家了。 第三天晚上,两只小兔又带了一只小兔去蔬菜园(现在有三只小兔子了)。它们每人吃了一颗白菜、两颗生菜和三个胡萝卜,然后它们又蹦蹦跳跳地回家了。 第四天晚上,三只小兔又带了一只小兔去蔬菜园(现在有四只小兔子了)。它们每人吃了一颗白菜、两颗生菜和三个胡萝卜,然后就蹦蹦跳跳地回家了。 第五天晚上,四只小兔又带了一只小兔去蔬菜园(现在有五只小兔了)。它们每人又吃了一颗白菜、两颗生菜和三个胡萝卜,然后就蹦蹦跳跳地回家了。 第六天晚上,五只小兔又带了一只小兔去蔬菜园(现在有六只饥饿的小兔了)。它们每人又都吃了一颗白菜、两颗生菜和三个胡萝卜,然后就蹦蹦跳跳地回家了。 到了第七天,那个从来不吃蔬菜的有钱人开始纳闷他的蔬菜园到底发生了什么事情。但是他绝不知道有六只小兔藏在他的篱笆后边偷吃他的白菜、生菜和胡萝卜。但是我们知道,不是吗? About Bunnies A hungry bunny once found the vegetable garden of a rich man who never ate vegetables. So the hungry bunny ate a cabbage, two heads of lettuce and three carrots. Then he went hop-hippity-hop right home. The next evening the hungry bunny brought another bunny (then there were two hungry bunnies). They each ate a cabbage,two heads of lettuce and three carrots. Then they went hop-hippity-hop right home. The next evening the two hungry bunnies brought another bunny (then there were three hungry bunnies). Each one ate a cabbage,two heads of lettuce and three carrots. Then they went hop-hippity-hop right home. The next evening the three hungry bunnies brought another bunny (then there were four hungry bunnies). They all ate a cabbage,two heads of lettuce and three carrots. Then they went hop-hippity-hop right home. The next evening the four hungry bunnies brought another bunny (then there were five hungry bunnies). They each ate a cabbage,two heads of lettuce and three carrots. Then they went hop-hippity-hop right home. The next evening the five hungry bunnies brought another bunny (then there were six hungry bunnies). Each one ate a cabbage, two heads of lettuce and three carrots. Then they went hop-hippity-hop right home. The next evening the rich man who never, never ate vegetables wondered what happened to his vegetable garden. He never guessed the six hungry bunnies hiding behind the fence ate his cabbages,lettuce and carrots. But we know better,don’t we? |