百合花lily[英]['lɪlɪ] [美]['lɪlɪ] 中英文小故事:百合花仙的故事 很久以前,一位好心的老太太住在—小房子里。她的花园里种满了喇叭状的百合花。 一天晚上,老太太被一阵甜美的歌声和孩子的笑声吵醒。她向窗外望去,那声音好像是从百合花丛中传来的,但她却什么也没看到。 第二天早晨,老太太来到花园,仔细地看了一遍,没有发现任何昨晚有人来过的迹象。 第二天晚上,老太太又被甜美的歌声和孩子们的笑声吵醒。她悄悄地来到花园,想看个究竟。银色的月光洒在百合花丛中,花儿在风中翩翩起舞。老太太仔细地看了看, 她发现,每朵花上都站着一位百合花仙妈妈,她们边唱边摇着摇篮似的花朵,每个小喇叭里都躺着一个小百合花仙,她们在里面欢笑玩耍。. 好心的老太太悄悄地回到自己的屋子里。从那以后,老太太再也不摘百合花了,也不让邻居碰这些花。渐渐地百合花开得又大又美,并散发出玫瑰花一样浓郁的芳香,而且四季常开。 岁月流逝。后来,老太太去世了,百合花丛被挖起。新的植物又种在了这块地上,可不久就全都枯萎了。从此,这块地便寸草不生。 但老太太的坟墓却变得越来越漂亮了,因为百合花仙们在这里歌唱,让这里四季如春。老太太的坟墓上和周围的地方开满了百合、郁金香、紫罗兰和其他只有春天才开的美丽花朵。 The Fairy Lilies Once upon a time there was a good old woman who lived in a little house. She had in her garden a bed of beautiful trumpet lilies. One night she was wakened by the sounds of sweet singing and babies laughing. She looked out through the window. The sounds seemed to come from the lily bed, but she could see nothing. The next morning she walked among her flowers, but there were no signs of any one having been there the night before. On the following night she was again wakened by sweet singing and babies laughing. She walked softly to her garden. The moon was shining brightly on the lily bed, and the flowers were swaying to and fro. The old woman looked closely and she saw,standing by each lily,a little Fairy mother who was singing and rocking the flower like a cradle, while in each lily trumpet lay a little Fairy baby laughing and playing. The good old woman went quietly back to her house, and from that time on she never picked a lily, nor did she allow her neighbors to touch the flowers. The lilies grew brighter in color and larger in size,and they gave out a delicious perfume like that of roses. They began,too,to bloom all the year round. The day came when the good old woman died,and the lily-bed was torn up,other plants were planted there, but they all withered,and from that time on nothing would grow there. But the good old woman’s grave grew beautiful, for the Fairies sang above it,and kept it green;while on the grave and all around it there sprang up lilies, tulips, violets, and other lovely flowers of spring. 中英文例句 1. But not every child is as lucky as lily. 但并不是每个小孩都像莉莉那么幸运。 2. Personally, I wouldn't think of eating a trout lily. 我个人对一尝鳟鱼百合提不起兴趣。 3. We are followers, not leaders; we are the gilding on this mad lily. 我们都是随从,而不是领导人,我们是疯狂的百合花上的镀金。 4. Lily kember is 21 years old. 莉莉肯柏今年21岁。 5. Lily, 14, said her best friend will be moving away this year. 14岁的莉莉说她最好的朋友今年就要搬走了。 |