你知道吗?没有朋友的人往往死的早。 这是真的。不信,可以向科学求证。 要想生活得长久幸福,一群不能共患难的朋友是不能助你达成目的的。你需要的是一群性格各异、面面俱到,可以与你同甘苦共患难的朋友。 一个忠实的最好的朋友 有时一个忠实的最好的朋友可以是使你保持清醒的唯一原因。每个人都需要一个无论在任何情况下都无私支持自己的朋友。这样的朋友可以放任你的一团糟,也知道你所有的最深处和最黑暗的秘密,但仍然一直爱着你。 Did you know that people without friends are more likely to die an early death? It’s true. Just ask science. To up your chances of living a long, happy life, having a bunch of fair-weather buddies won’t do the trick. You need a diverse, well-rounded entourage that will stick with you through thick and thin. The following eight types of friends are just what you need to keep the doctor away. A Loyal Best Friend Sometimes a loyal best friend is the only thing you need to stay sane. Everyone needs a non-judgmental friend who will support them no matter what. |