兔子rabbit[英]['ræbɪt] [美][ˈræbɪt] 中英文小故事:机智的兔子 一天早晨,兔子、獐子和野鹿来到河边吃嫩绿的草。 正当他们吃得很开心的时候,突然一只凶猛的老狼跑过来,大喝一声:“别动,谁要是想逃走,就先咬死谁!” 大伙儿都愣住了。兔子和野鹿打了个眼色,蹦蹦跳跳地跑到老狼面前“狼叔叔,您来得正好,我们看到您可高兴啦!” “哦,你们就快被我吃进肚子里了,还有什么好高兴的?” 兔子装出一副诚心诚意的样子,说道:“我早就想好了,心甘情愿地让您吃。” “为什么心甘情愿地让我吃昵?” “狼叔叔,您快吃掉我吧,老虎正在追赶我们呢!今天真倒霉,与其被老虎吃,倒不如让您吃。”兔子一边说,一边用眼睛一瞟一瞟地直往后瞧。 “什么?老虎追赶你们?”老狼吓出一身冷汗。“狼叔叔,老虎就要来了,您赶快吃掉我们吧!”兔子急得一直跺脚,紧催着。 可是,老狼听说老虎要来了,怕自己也丧于虎口,便不顾一切拔腿就跑了。 机灵的兔子略施妙计,不仅搭救了同伴们,也使自己脱离险境。 The Smart Rabbit One morning, a rabbit, a water deer and a wild deer were eating the freshly grown waterweeds at the riverside. Unexpectedly, a fierce wolf charged at them and growled, “Don’t move! Whoever runs, I shall tear him to pieces!” Terrified, they all kept still. The rabbit winked at the water deer and the wild deer before hopping to the wolf. He said, “Uncle Wolf, you have come at the right time. We are happy to see you!” “You will soon be eaten, why are you so happy about that?” The rabbit calmly said, “I am prepared, I am willing to let you eat me.” “Why are you willing to allow yourself to be devoured? “Uncle Wolf, please eat me. The tiger is looking for us! It's an unlucky day! Instead of being eaten up by the tiger, I would rather be eaten by you!” While he was talking to the wolf, the rabbit kept looking behind him. “Uncle Wolf, the tiger is coming, please eat us!” The rabbit kept stamping his legs impatiently. However, when the wolf heard that the tiger was coming, he was worried that he would fall prey to the tiger. He turned and ran for his life. 中英文例句 1. For special occasions, rabbit and later chicken were added. 在特殊的场合,饭里会加入兔肉,后来还加入了鸡肉。 2. No chance of turkey, chicken or goose-not even the despised rabbit. 没有火鸡肉、鸡肉和鹅肉甚至连不值钱的兔肉都没有。 3. The rabbit scale has significant overlap with the existing mouse and rat scales. 这个兔子表和已经存在的老鼠表存在着明显的重叠部分。 4. You play as a rabbit, with a ninja-like fighting style. 你将化身为一只身穿忍者格斗服的兔子。 5. One chinese village had a stack of rabbit meat, having skinned the creatures for fur. 在一个中国村庄,有一堆被剥下了皮毛的兔子肉。 |