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时间:2014-02-23 09:08来源:http://yr.89sp.com 作者:编辑组 点击:
某个岛上住着一个名叫青木的懒汉。他从早到晚都躺在一张破床上,嘴里终日喃喃自语不知在说些什么。 青木,你一天到晚在说什么?邻居对他说,你还是找点儿事做吧! 青木回答说:

One-eyed Men and Two-eyed Men
There was a lazy man by the name of Aoki who lived on an island. He would lie in bed day and night mumbling about something.
“Aoki, what are you mumbling about day and night?” asked his neighbour. “Why don’t you find something to do?”
Aoki answered, “I am praying every day, asking the God of Heaven to set me free from poverty. If the God of Heaven hears my prayer, I will be well off immediately.”
One day, Aoki heard that there were people all with only one eye staying on a neighbouring island. He was so excited that he said to his neighbours, “The God of Heaven has heard my prayer! He has blessed me with good fortune! I’ll go to the island where the one-eyed people live. Then I,ll use trickery to get one of them back here.”
The neighbours were all puzzled by his words. “What’s the use of a one-eyed man to you?”
‘Til shut him up in a cage and exhibit him. Everyone will have to pay to take a look at this strange man!”
Aoki got himself on a ship and travelled to the neighbouring island. As the ship was docked, he immediately saw a one-eyed man. Aoki was intoxicated with joy. “Oh,my blessings! Oh, my good fortune! You’ve come to me immediately!”
He greeted the one-eyed man with a pretentious smile and said, “For many years, Fve longed to pay you good-looking people a visit."
The one-eyed man looked at Aoki and said respectfully, “You,re also a handsome man whom I have been waiting to meet all my life.”
The treacherous Aoki replied, “I,m here to invite you to be a guest at my home. Please come on board and we’ll go to my home.”
The single-eyed man said, “Indeed it is an honour to have such an invitation. But do forgive me, I have to invite you to my humble place first. My family members and relatives will be very happy to know that I have come to know someone like you.”
“I’m glad to be invited to your place,” said Aoki. “However,you must come with me to my home and be my guest after this.”
As soon as Aoki entered the one-eyed man’s house, the brothers surrounded Aoki immediately. They exclaimed, “Look! This man has two eyes! How ugly! Where did he come from?”
“I’ll tell you more later,,,the host replied. “Just tie him up first.”
They captured Aoki so swiftly that he did not even have time to speak. The one-eyed host said to his brothers, “Now you all ought to be happy! Our days of poverty are over! We shall lock up this strange creature in a cage, and others will have to pay to have a look at this two-eyed creature!”
Aoki was kept in a cage and all the one-eyed people came to gaze at the two-eyed man. Everyone paid a silver coin to the owner of the cage.