从前,狒狒和狗是一对好朋友,他们之间不分你我,亲如手足。而且他们也经常在一块儿玩耍。 有一天,他们被邀请参加一个隆重的婚礼。 狒拂对狗说,这是一场盛大的结婚典礼,参加者可以有机会从中结交异性,甚至可以当场向她们求婚。“所以咱们要把自己装扮得干净漂亮,剪剪发, 修修面,以争取异性的好感。”拂拂说。 狗听了很高兴。他把剃须刀、剪刀、镜子、梳子、画笔、肥皂、香水全都摆在梳妆台上。然后,狗使出最高的本领,仔细地给狒狒剪了发、修了面、画了眉、搽了粉,又细心地给他修了指甲。狒狒照了照镜子,感到十分满意。 轮到狒狒给狗理发了。狒狒是个善于唱催眠曲的理发师,于是他唱起了催眠曲,狗很快就睡着了。 原来狒狒的嫉妒心很重,他担心狗经过打扮后,相貌会比他更出色而防碍了自己结交异性的机会,所以存心捉弄朋友。 狗醒来后,发现狒拂不但没有给他理发打扮,反而把他的头发剃得光秃秃的,脸也刮得很难看,样子十分丑陋! 狗顿时火冒三丈,暴跳如雷。他想要报仇雪恨, 然而他的手拿不起剪刀,也抓不住刀片,因为所有的手指甲都被狒狒削掉了。他向狒狒猛扑过去,想用牙 齿撕咬他,可是狒狒立刻蹿到树上藏了起来。狗爬不上去,只好喊道:“从今以后,你在树上面,我在树下面,谁也别理谁! ” 一切皆因嫉妒而酿成了仇恨。从此,狗和狒狒之间的友谊也就破灭了。 The Baboon and the Dog A long time ago, the baboon and the dog were almost like brothers, always playing together. One day, both of them were invited to a wedding. The baboon told the dog that this was a grand wedding and there would be chances to make friends with the ladies or even propose marriage to them. “So,” said the baboon, “we should dress ourselves neatly, trim our hair, and show a clean face in order to please the ladies•” The dog happily took out his shaver, scissors, mirror, comb, brushes, soap as well as perfume and put all of them on the dressing table. The dog did his best to help the baboon to cut his hair, do a facial, trim the eyebrows, put on face powder and cautiously trim his nails. The baboon looked at the mirror and he was very satisfied. Then it was the baboon’s turn to cut the dog’s hair. The baboon was a hairdresser who was good in singing lullabies. While he was singing a lullaby,the dog fell asleep. In fact, the baboon was worried that a well- groomed dog might be stiff competition, so he intended to sabotage his friend’s chances. When the dog woke up, he found that the baboon had cut him bald and shaved so carelessly that he looked quite ugly. He was so furious that he wanted to take the scissors or a blade to attack the baboon, but he could not because the baboon had cut off all his fingers. He leapt on the baboon and tried to tear him to pieces but the baboon managed to escape and hide himself among the trees. The dog could not reach him and he bellowed, “From today onwards, you will always stay on the tree and I will stay down here. We will not bother with each other.” |