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时间:2014-02-21 08:19来源:http://yr.89sp.com 作者:编辑组 点击:
公主princess[英][ˌprɪnˈses] [美][ˈprɪnsɪs, -ˌsɛs, prɪnˈsɛs] 中英文小故事:神行公主 从前希腊有位美丽迷人的公主,不仅人长得美而且擅长射击、打猎和赛跑, 贏得了神行公主的称号。许
公主princess[英][ˌprɪnˈses] [美][ˈprɪnsɪs, -ˌsɛs, prɪnˈsɛs]


从前希腊有位美丽迷人的公主,不仅人长得美而且擅长射击、打猎和赛跑, 贏得了“神行公主”的称号。许多英俊潇洒又有英雄气概的王子都想贏得公主的芳心。于是公主突然想出了个巧妙的计划,宣布将会嫁给跑得比自己快的人。成千上百的年轻勇士来参加比赛,但都败下阵来。

The Fleet-footed Princess
Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful and charming princess in Greece. She was not only beautiful but also adept in shooting,hunting and running. In fact,she had earned the title of “the fleet-footed princess”. Many handsome and heroic princes desired to win her heart and hand. So,the princess hit upon a clever plan. She announced that she would marry the young man who would beat her in a foot race. Hundreds of young warriors came to race with her but she always out ran them.
At last one young hero was bent upon outrunning her. He sought the advice of a wise man. He explained to him about the fleet-footed princess and her challenge. He also expressed his regret over the fact that many young warriors were being put to shame by the princess.
The wise man said, “Don’t worry, you take within your pocket several shining pieces of jewellery and gems. As you run, go on dropping one piece after another on the racing track at strategic points. ”
On the day fixed for the race, the young man equipped himself with fine pieces of jewellery. The young man and the princess started running. Both of them were good runners. Whenever the princess was on the point of outstripping him,the young man would softly drop a dazzling piece of jewellery. The princess spontaneously stopped to pick up the lovely piece of jewellery that was after all on the racing track. She was confident that in spite of the halts she would be able to outrun her rival. These brief but frequent halts made him reach the goal ahead of her. Thus the young man won the race as well as the heart and the hand of the princess. Why did the fleet-footed princess lose this time? It is all because of her love for jewellery. Love of lucre always makes man weak and prevents him from realizing his real goal in life.


1. The princess bride is sarcastic, instead of sentimental.

2. Thousands turned out to pay tribute to the "people's princess" during her funeral procession.

3. By the princess and restored her beauty.

4. Princess aiko was back to school on monday.

5. Thousands of would-be stars dreamed of being a hollywood prince or princess.
