战马warhorse[英][ˈwɔ:ˌhɔ:s] [美][ˈwɔrˌhɔrs] 中英文传说:推磨的战马 从前,有个国王驯养了很多身强体壮的战马。邻国本想征占他的领土,听说他有许多良好的战马,就放弃了侵占这个国家的念头。 国王听到敌国不战自退的消息,很是高兴。他想:现在敌国既然不敢侵略我国了,驯养这些战马还有什么用呢? 于是,国王便下令,把所有战马的眼睛蒙起来,让它们做起了推磨的工作。 这样一来,战马不但可以自食其力,还可增加国家的收入。 多年以后,邻国兵强马壮,又来侵略他的领土。 这时候,国王立即下令,赶快把战马披挂上阵保卫国家。 勇士们骑上战马,列阵挥鞭向敌人冲杀,可惜由于这些战马习惯了推磨碾米的生活,到了战场上只会在原地转圈儿,却不向前冲锋。敌人轻松地打败了国王 的军队。 The War-horses Turning the Mill Once upon a time,there was a king who trained many strong and powerful war- horses. The ruler of a neighboring country, which had planned to conquer his land ’ gave up the idea when he heard that the king had a lot of good horses. The king knew that his neighbor would not be declaring war on him,so what was the use of keeping the horses any more? Thus he ordered that the eyes of the horses be covered and he sent the horses to turn the mills to increase more income for the country. Some years later,the ruler of the neighboring country had trained his army and horses to try and invade the king's country. Now the king quickly ordered the war-horses to be sent to the battlefield to defend the country. The warriors rode on the horses trying to charge at the enemies but the horses now only knew how to turn round and round on the same spot. After so many years of turning the mill,the war-horses had forgotten how to charge at their enemies. Their enemies very easily won the war. 中英文例句 1. Alexander the great was extremely fond of his warhorse bucephalus. 亚历山大大帝非常宠爱他的战马比塞弗勒斯。 2. An old civil rights warhorse, she has returned to the political arena to fight another battle. 作为一位争取民权的老战士,她又回到了政治舞台,开始另一场战斗。 3. A camel is a warhorse designed by comittee. 骆驼是由委员会设计的战马。 4. Let's not forget the tried and true warhorse of the fixed rate loan. 让我们不要忘记,真正的尝试了战马固定利率贷款. |