盛夏之日,一只青蛙对它的伴侣说道:“我担心我们夜里的歌声打扰了住在岸边的人。” 它的伴侣答道:“难道他们白天的谈话就没有干扰我们的安宁吗?” 雌蛙说:“我们在夜里的歌唱是否太多了点呢?那只牛蛙的轰鸣声吵醒了整个街坊,你又有何看法呢?” 雄蛙说:“政治家、牧师和科学家也常到岸边来高谈阔论,你又怎么说呢?” 于是,雌蛙提议:“让我们在夜里保持沉默,把我们的歌儿藏在心里。至少,让我们沉默三夜,看看会有何后果。” 雄蛙说:“很好,让我们拭目以待。” 那天夜里,它们默不做声。第二夜它们也没有做声,而第三夜也保持沉默。说也奇怪,住在岸边房子里的一个爱说话的妇人,大声对她的丈夫抱怨道: “这三夜我都失眠,耳朵听不到青蛙的哇哇声,我就无法人睡,这里头一定出了什么事。为什么青蛙三夜没有叫了?我失眠得快要发疯了。” 雄蛙听到了这一席话,转过身对它的伴侣说:“我们也因为默不做声而几乎要发疯了,难道不是吗?” 雌蛙答道:“是的,没有声音的夜晚充满了寂寞。我现在明白了,我们无须为了顾虑这些人的安宁舒适而停止唱歌,有些人或许正需要这些声音来避免空虚。” The Sound of the Frogs In midsummer,a frog said to her partner,“I am worried that our night songs may be disturbing the people who live along the coast. ” Her partner answeredThey disturb us when they talk during the day time,don’t they?” The female frog said,“ Aren’t our night songs much noisier? The bull frog surely wakes up the villagers with his loud sounds. What do you think of that?’ The male frog said,w The politician, pastor and scientist also always come to the shore and make a lot of noise too. What do you think of that?” The female frog suggested,“ Let us remain silent at night and keep our songs inside our hearts. We can at least try to remain silent for three nights and see what happens at the end. ’’ The male frog said,“All right,we can give it a try. ” None of them made a sound that night. They also didn’t make a sound the next night. They still remained silent on the third night. Surprisingly,there was a talkative woman in a house at the coast who complained to her husband rather loudly,“I have hardly slept for the last three nights. I can't fall asleep without the frogs’ croaking. There must be something strange happening, ^hy are the frogs not making any sound these three nights? I will go mad if I continue to have sleepless nights ! ’, Hearing this,the male frog turned to his partner and said,“从e will go mad too if we have to remain silent any longer. Don’t you think so?” The female frog said,uYes,a night without a sound is filled with loneliness. Only now do I understand that we don’t need to stop singing to make others feel comfortable. Some may need the noise to avoid feeling empty. ” |