落井的狐狸用爪子紧抓着井壁,勉强把脑袋伸出水面。 不久,有只狼走来,在井口探头看了看。狐狸急忙真诚地招呼它,请它找根绳或别的什么东西来,反正只要能够帮它从井里脱身就行。 狼见它倒了大霉,动了恻隐之心,不禁把它的关心说了出来:“啊,可怜的狐狸啊!我真为你感到由衷的难过:你怎么会落到这样悲惨的境地呢?” 狐狸回答道:“请别说了,朋友。如果你希望我没事,就别站在那儿可怜我, 请尽快给我帮助。因为水已经到了我的下巴,我差一点儿就要淹死或饿死了,这时的怜悯不过只是冷冰冰的安慰 The Fox in the Well A fox, having fallen into a well, managed to keep his head above the water by sticking his claws into the sides. Soon after a wolf came and peeped over the brink. The fox called to him very earnestly to find a rope or something of that kind, which would favor his escape. The wolf, moved with compassion at his misfortune, could not forbear expressing his concern. “Ah! Poor fox,’,said he, “I am sorry for you with all my heart. How could you possibly come into this melancholy condition?” “Nay,prithee, friend replied the fox, “if you wish me well, do not stand pitying me but lend me some assistance as fast as you can,for pity is but cold comfort when one is up to his chin in water and within a hair's breadth of starving or drowning. ” |