一只漂亮的纯种小狗流浪到我家后廊,并在那里安了家,丈夫便构思了一则广告,准备刊登在当地报纸上"寻物与招领"一栏。广告是这样的:‘‘一只小公狗,大约九个月大,无项圈,很友好,发现于石桥路。” 我担心透露太多详细信息会引来一些不道德的人领狗,就头头是道地给丈夫解释了,为什么每一条线索都透露了太多信息,丈夫很负责任地删掉了那些言词。几经修改,最后他重写了一则精简到了一句话的广告,这次我再也无可辩驳了。 广告是这样写的:"猜猜我发现了什么?" An Advertisement After a beautiful purebred puppy wandered on to our back porch and made himself at home, my husband composed an advertisement for the “Lost and Found” column of the local newspaper. It read, “A puppy, male, approximately nine months old, no collar, very friendly, found on Rockbridge Road.,’ I feared ail the details might encourage an unscrupulous person to claim the dog. As I methodically explained why each clue revealed too much, my husband dutifully crossed out the words. Finally, in frustration, he rewrote the advertisement, reducing it to a single sentence that I couldn't refute. It read, “Guess what I found?” |