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时间:2013-12-28 09:21来源:http://yr.89sp.com 作者:编辑组 点击:
在非洲海岸边的热带雨林里,有一个叫做里查的王子正在同父王争吵。 但是,父王,我不想娶丛林里的任何人。 但是,里查,你必须得娶。 父王,每个人对我都很好,但我要娶的是我喜欢

A Girl in Dream
In a rainforest off the coast of Africa a young prince named Richard was arguing with his father.
“But Father, I don’t want to marry anyone in the jungle.”
“But Richard, you must.”
“Father, everyone will do anything for me. But I want to marry a girl whom I love. ”
So Richard left his father's palace. He sat down next to the great willow beside a lake and fell asleep. In his dream he saw this girl who was in the jungle. He heard a voice, “My name is Dana. What's yours?”
Richard just kept walking towards her. Just as he touched the water he woke up.
About 1,000 miles away was a girl named Dana. Dana was also royalty but in a different part of the country. She also had a dream, but it was about Richard.
Richard sent all of his tigers and cheetahs to find Dana because he knew she really existed. Dana sent all of her parrots and toucans to find Richard. Richard and Dana couldn't eat or sleep for several weeks. Richard gave up hope, but Dana didn’t.
One week later,Richard’s tigers and cheetahs returned. Also, Dana's parrots and toucans returned, but Dana sent them back out to find Richard. After a day, Richard had the same dream as before, but this time he was riding a tiger. Again, as soon as he touched the water he woke up. Right then he had an idea. He would ride his tiger to Dana’s land and take her hand in marriage.
He traveled for three days and ate very little food. Just then he came across a huge cliff. He knew he couldn’t climb it because it was too steep for him and his tiger. So he traveled beside the cliff, when the cliff was not too steep so that he could climb it. He walked for two days, and then he climbed the cliff.
Then he walked for several weeks, drinking at streams along the way when he was thirsty, trying to catch some fish when he was hungry until he came up to a village. The village was like the one he saw in his dream. But he also saw a lake. He had to pass the lake to get to the village just like in his dream. He rode his tiger into the water. Once across, he asked one of the villagers if there was a girl in the village named Dana.
The villager responded, “Yes, is your name Richard?”
“Yes. Why?” Richard asked.
“She has been expecting you. Go to the palace next to the giant willow tree. There she is waiting for you,” The villager said.
Richard walked to the palace. Next to the willow tree there he saw Dana, just as he saw her in his dream.
He asked, “Will you marry me?” She nodded her head yes.
Richard never returned to his village. They got married and lived happily ever after.
