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时间:2013-12-23 23:10来源:http://yr.89sp.com 作者:编辑组 点击:
曼提斯神认为人类还不能接受火这份礼物,于是把它给了一只鸵鸟。鸵鸟把火放在翅膀底下,很安全。 一个丛林居民得知火在轮鸟那儿,决定把它偷过来。一天,他去拜访轮鸟。 我是来

The Ostrich Stretches Its Wings
Mantis, the creator-god, felt that mankind was not ready for the gift of fire. So he entrusted it to the ostrich who kept it safely under one of its wings.
A Bushman learnt that the ostrich had fire and made up his mind to steal it. So one day he paid the ostrich a visit.
“I’ve come to tell you my dream,” he said.
“Why should your dream interest me?” asked the os¬trich.
“Because it concerns you’,,said the Bushman. “In my dream I learnt that if you were to stand with your wings spread out in the strong wind preceding dawn, you would soar into the sky like an eagle. ”
“That’s interesting," said the ostrich, secretly thrilled.
Its greatest wish was to be able to fly.
“Do not pass up this chance to get the gift of flight,” advised the Bushman before leaving.
Before dawn the next day, the ostrich spread out its wings and waited to be lifted in¬to the sky. As it waited, the Bushman crept up to it, grabbed the fire and ran.
That is how people got fire and that is why, say he Bushmen, the ostrich is not as smart as other birds. The loss of the fire upset it so much that it became feeble¬minded.
