盖姆帕师傅吩咐他的五个门徒:不经他的允许不能做任何事情。 —天,他们赶往一座远城,盖姆帕师傅在他们所乘的牛车上睡着了。他的头从一边转到另一边。突然,他的头巾滑落下来,掉到了地上。因为师傅吩咐过他们未经允许不能干任何事,所以没有一个门徒下车去捡。师傅醒来后,得知头巾丢失,很生气。 "下一次,无论什么东西掉了都要捡起来。”他大发雷霆。 过了一会,牛排了一些粪,四个愚蠢的门徒跳下去捡了起来。盖姆帕师傅吓了一跳,他写了一个清单,列了一下可能会从车上掉下去的东西。"这些东西如果掉下去了就捡。”他说着,把清单递给门徒,“这上面没提的就不要捡。” 正在这时,车猛烈地晃动起来,盖姆帕师傅一头栽到了沟里。 盖姆帕师傅大叫他的门徒拉他上来。 "不行啊,师傅。"门徒们难过地说,"你的名字不在你列的清单上。”盖姆帕师傅恳求他们把自己拉上来,但一切都是徒劳。 “我们知道你在考验我们,师傅。"他们说,"不过你大可放心,我们永远不会违背你的。你说过不要捡清单上没有提到的任何东西。我们是不会捡的。’’ “把清单给我!"盖姆帕师傅喊道。他们把清单和笔扔给他,师傅匆匆写上自己的名字。这时,听话的门徒们才将他们敬爱的师傅从沟里拉出来,放回车里。 Five Men in a Cart Guru Gampar had told his four disciples that they were never his permission. One day while they were on their way to a distant town, Guru the bullock cart they were traveling in. His head rolled from side to turban slipped from his head and fell on to the road. But as their guru had told them nev¬er to do anything without his permission,none of the disciples made a move to get down and pick it up. When the guru woke up and was told about the loss of his turban he was furious. “Next time anything falls off pick it up at once!” he thundered. Some time later the bullock dropped its dung and the four foolish disciples leaped down and picked it up. Guru Gampar was horrified. He made a list of the things that could fall off from a moving cart. “ Pick up any of these things if they fall” he told them,handing them the list. “Don’t pick up anything that is not mentioned here.” Just then the cart lurched violently and Guru Gampar was thrown headlong into a ditch. Guru Gampar yelled to his disciples to pull him out. “We can’t, guruji,” said his disciples, sadly. “Your name is not on the list you gave us.” Guru Gampar pleaded with them to pull him out, but in vain. “We know you are testing us, guruji," they told him, “But you can rest assured that we will never disobey you. You told us not to pick up anything that was not mentioned in your list and we will not do so. ’’ “Give me the list!” yelled Guru Gam par. They threw him the list and the pen and the guru hastily scrawled his name on it. Only then did the obedient disciples pull their belov¬ed guru out of the ditch and put him back into the cart! |