从前,婆罗门人去另一山村买了一只山羊。他把羊扛在肩膀上往回走时,三个流氓看见了。其中一人对另一个说:"想个办法从他手里拿走羊,咱也高兴高兴。” 于是,他们来到婆罗门人回家的必经之路,三人分别坐在了三棵树下,彼此间隔一段距离。一个无赖朝过来的婆罗门人喊:"婆罗门,为什么你扛着只狗?” "这不是狗,”婆罗门人答道,"这是一份很好的祭品。" 过了一段路,第二个无赖问了同样的问题。婆罗门人听了,把羊放到地上,一遍又一遍地端详着,然后又重新扛到肩上,一路上摇着头走了。当听到第三个无赖问同样的问题,这回他深信这不是羊而是狗了。于是他把它从背上卸下来,扔了,并且还净了个身。 三个无赖把羊带回家,美美地享用了一顿。谁认为无赖像自己一样诚实,谁就会像这个婆罗门人一样上当受骗。 The Three Rogues Once there was a Brahmin who bought a goat in another village. When he carried it home on his shoulder, he was seen by three rogues, who said to one another, “If by some contrivance that goat can be taken from him. It will be a great pleasure to us. ” With this view they severally sat down on the road under three trees, by which the Brahmin was to pass, at some distance from each other. One of the Rogues called out, as the Brahmin was going by, “Brahmin! Why do you carry that dog on your shoulder?” “ It’s not a dog,” answered the Brahmin,“ It’s a good for a sacrifice. ” Then at a certain distance away, the second Rogue put the same question to him. When the Brahmin heard this, he threw the goat down to the ground,and having looked at it a- gain and again. Placed it a second time on his shoulder, and walked on with his mind waving like a swing. When he Brahmin heard the same question from the third Rogue. He was con¬vinced that the goat was really a dog. So he took it from his back, threw it down, and having washed himself, returned to his home. The three rogues took the goat to their own house, and feasted on it. The one who thinks the Rogue is as honest as himself, will be deceived by him, like this Brahmin who was cheated. |