加里的计划很简单,去抢劫苏格兰爱尔的一家商店。走进去,用 10英镑买一包香烟,当盛钱的抽屉打开时,把手伸进去,将里面的钱都拿走。这是个万无一失、对付傻瓜的计划。 但是后来发生的事情表明:这傻瓜计策没有碰上真正的傻瓜。加里的前半部分计划实施得天衣无缝,买香烟,拿出10英镑去"付 钱”。到目前为止,一切顺利。然后,他拿出一把锤子,威胁店主。令人失望的是,她显然没有表现出害怕的样子,她告诉加里需要他和锤子的地方。 不过女店主还是打开了抽屉。 加里,这个勇猛的强盗猛地扑向抽屉。店主猛地关上抽屉,夹住了加里的手指。加里忍着疼痛,拿了几张钞票,跑出门去,把香烟和10英镑钱都留在那儿了。店主清点损失时,发现强盗只抢走5英镑,也就是说在整个犯罪活动中加里赔了5英镑。 要知道——犯罪是不用付钱的。 Don’t Get Caught with Your Hand in the Till Gary’s plan to rob a store in Ayr, Scotland, was simple. Go in, buy a pack of ciga¬rettes with a £ 10 note, and while the register is open, reach in and swipe the contents. It was a foolproof plan. But what happened next just goes to show that most “foolproof” plans just haven't met the right fool. Gary executed the first part of his plan to perfection, asking for the cigarettes and producing the £ 10 note to “pay” for them. So far, so good. He then pro¬duced a hammer and threatened the shopkeeper with it. Disappointingly, she wasn't no¬tably threatened and told him where he and his hammer could go. Nevertheless, she'd opened the register. Gary the in¬trepid robber then swooped out the contents. The shop¬keeper slammed the till on his fingers. Through the pain, Gary grabbed a few bills and sprinted out the door, leaving his cigarettes and his £ 10 note behind. When the shop¬keeper counted her losses, she discovered the robber had grabbed only £ 5, meaning he'd lost £ 5 in the whole felo¬nious transaction. What do you know—crime really doesn't pay. |