爷爷们都希望自己有点儿用处。拉斯住在丹麦的哥本哈根,我们确信,当拉斯提出到托儿所去接15个月大的孙子时,他的本意是想发挥一点作用。 拉斯开车到了托儿所,说明自己是约拿的爷爷,是来接胖娃娃回家的。托儿所的工作人员把小孩子交给他,拉斯和约拿就往回走,来到了约拿父母住的地方——在那儿拉斯发现约拿的妈妈已经和一个小孩在一起,那才是拉斯的孙子:约拿。拉斯带回来的孩子是别人的,也叫约拿。怎么回事?原来拉斯走错了托儿所。 拉斯带着不是自己孙子的约拿开车回到托儿所,警察正在那儿等着他呢。托儿所工作人员意识到他们把孩子给了不该给的人,都吓坏了,打电话报了警。拉斯讲述了事情经过,幸运的是,大家相信了他。但是,我们认为托儿所可能要考虑因此而引起的诉讼。 对拉斯来说,我们奉劝他多找点时间跟孙子在一起。这样一来,他就知道孙子长什么样了。 Grandfather Cluck Grandfather like to be useful. And we have no doubt that being useful was that Lars in- he offered to pick up his 15-month-old grandson Jonas from day care in Denmark. Lars drove down to the day-care center, identified himself as Jonas’s grandpa, and announced he was there to take the little cherub home. The day-care center staff handed over the tyke, and off Jonas and Lars went, back to Jonas’s parents’ place-where Lars discovered Jonas's mother already at home with another toddler. That toddler was Lars's grandson, Jonas. The toddler Lars had was someone else's kid, also named Jonas. What happened? Lars had gone to the wrong day¬care center. Lars drove down to the day-care center with the Jonas who was not his grandson, where he was greeted by the police, who'd been called by the panicked day-care staff after they realized they’d handed over the baby to some¬one they shouldn't have. Lars told his side of the story, and fortunately for him, he was believed. But we expect the day-care center might be looking at a lawsuit somewhere a- long the way. As for Lars, we recommend that he spend more time with his grandson. You know, to make sure he knows what he looks like. |