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时间:2013-12-13 13:31来源:http://yr.89sp.com 作者:编辑组 点击:
春光明媚,繁花似锦,大地披上了绿色新装。大自然妈妈也将两个小酒窝派了出去,让他们到世界上去找点事儿干。 小酒窝们穿过碧蓝的天空,经过羊毛般的白云,这真是一次快乐的旅

How the Dimples Came
One bright spring day, when the earth was fresh in its new green dress decked with flowers, two wee dimples were sent by Mother Nature on a journey to find their work in the world.
It was a delightful journey through the blue sky and past the fleecy white clouds.
They played and danced with the sunbeams who led them on their way to the earth.
At last they found themselves among the trees and the flowers of the earth.
However, they could find nothing to do. The sunbeams bade the dimples good-bye and silently crept home. "Oh," said the dimples, “what shall we do? We have no place to rest tonight. ’’ Just then they spied a window open. The tiny stars came out and peeped into the window, and the lady-moon sent silvery moonbeams down to help the dimples find a resting place. Then the dimples flew through the window, and there, close by, in her crib, was a wee baby, rosy, sweet, and bright.
"〇h,” said one dimple, " I would love to rest on that rosy cheek.” “So would I," said the other dimple. And they each took a rosy cheek for a couch, and here they rested the whole nightlong.
The robins early in the dawn sat on the cheery boughs and sang merrily, thus waking the dimples. “But,” said one dimple, “we have not yet found our work.” The other dimple said, "Let us stay here. Baby's eyes are opening, and we must hide. •’ And each dimple nestled away in baby‘s cheeks.
The sunbeams coaxed the dimples to come out and play, but the dimples would only peep out, and when they did, they brought smiles around baby’s rosy lips.
“So you have found your work at last," said the sunbeams. And they had, for they helped to bring out the smiles in baby's cheeks. If you look the next time you see baby you may see the dimples playing hide and seek.
