在特立尼达岛的村庄里住着一位老妇人,她能做出最好吃的糖果。人们从四面八方来到这儿,只为能在村子里的集市上买到她的糖果。 一天,老妇人正往集市上走时,脚趾头踢到了石头上,她的葫芦掉在了地上,跌破了,椰子糕果撒了一地。 "哦!看这麻烦!”她说,-现在我不得不回家了。" 这时猴子正坐在路边的树上,看到也听到了这一切。妇人一走,它就对她的“麻烦”产生了好奇心。 它飞快地爬下树,走到撒满"麻烦”的路那儿。它尝了一个椰子糕,叫道‘麻烦’真好吃啊!我要给自己再买一些。'’ 于是猴子跑到城里,找到了附近的零售店。“我要买一些麻烦。•’它说。 店主很奇怪地看着这个小东西,说道:“你知道什么是麻烦吗?” "知道知道!”猴子不耐烦地说,“把你所有的麻烦都给我,快点!” 店主微笑着摇摇头,一会儿就拿出一只大包。 猴子付了钱就离开了。 它把包背回路上后,已经很累了。“天啊! 天啊!‘麻烦’这么重啊!它发出的是什么怪声音啊?最后它来到了林中的一块空地上,决定打开包看看,饱餐一顿。 它舔着舌头打开包,突然三只凶猛的狗从包里冲出来,狂叫着,呲着尖牙利齿。 可怜的猴子赶紧爬到最近的树上,坐在高高的枝上,提心吊胆,哆哆嗦嗦。狗在树下朝它叫着。 它变得越来越饿,最后从树上摘了一个奇怪的果实,塞进嘴里。但是它不知道它正坐在一棵辣椒树上。哇!它的嘴让辣椒辣的不行了!可是在狗离开那棵树之前,它都不能去喝水。 最后,狗确实走了,猴子才去附近的池塘里冷却一下它那火烧火燎的舌头。 直到今天,猴子都一直待在高高的树顶上,远离麻烦。 How Monkey Looked for Trouble In a tiny village in Trinidad there lived an old woman who made the most delicious sweets. People would come from all around just to buy her candies at the village1 s market. One day, while walking to market, the old lady stubbed her toe on a stone and dropped her gourd to the ground. The gourd split open and her coconut cakes spilled everywhere. "Oh look at this trouble here,” she said. "Now I' LL have to go right back home!" Monkey was sitting in a tree above the road and saw and heard everything. As the old woman left he began to grow curious about her trouble. He scurried down the tree and went to the trouble sprawled across the road. He tasted one of the coconut cakes and exclaimed, "This trouble is most delicious! I shall go buy some more for myself!” Monkey marched right into town and went to the nearest merchant. "I'd like to buy some trouble," he said. The merchant looked strangely at the little creature and asked," Do you know what trouble is?” "Yes, yes," Monkey said impatiently. "Give me all you have and be quick about it." The shopkeeper shook his head with a little smile and soon brought out a large bag. Monkey paid for it and left. As he dragged the bag down the road, he began to grow tired.“My my, but this trouble is heavy. And what strange sounds it makes.” He eventually came to a clearing and decided to open the bag and enjoy his treat. Licking his lips, he loosened the top of the bag. Suddenly three fierce dogs burst from the bag, barking and flashing their sharp teeth. Poor Monkey ran up the nearest tree and sat on a high branch, shaking with fear as the dogs below barked and yapped at him. He grew hungrier and hungrier and eventually picked a strange fruit from above his head. He stuffed it in his mouth,not knowing that he was in a pepper tree. Oh! How that pepper burned his poor little mouth. And he could not go get water until the dogs left the tree. Eventually they did leave and Monkey was able to run to a nearby pond to cool his burning tongue. And to this day Monkey stays high up in the treetops, far away from trouble. |