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时间:2013-12-08 10:15来源:http://yr.89sp.com 作者:编辑组 点击:
起初,鳄鱼的皮肤金光闪闪,非常光滑。它整天都呆在泥水里,只有夜晚才出来,所以它的皮肤一直保持不变。其他所有的动物都来欣赏它美丽的金色皮肤。 鳄鱼对自己的皮肤开始感到
鳄鱼对自己的皮肤开始感到非常自豪,即便是 在阳光灿烂的日子里也爬出水来让其他动物尽情欣赏。他觉得自己比其他动物都好,开始对它们发号施令。其他动物感觉到鳄鱼态度上的变化,出来欣赏它皮肤的越来越少。但是鳄鱼还是天天出来晒太阳,它变得越来越丑,皮肤越来越粗糙。很快,它的皮肤就变得像鼓起的铠甲。

How the Crocodile Got Its Rough Skin
The crocodile originally had a smooth golden skin, and it stayed that way because the crocodile would spend all day in the muddy waters and only come out at night. All the other animals would come and admire its beautiful golden skin.
The crocodile became very proud of its skin and started coming out of the water to bask in the other animals ’ admiration, even while the sun was shining. He began thinking he was better than the other animals and started bossing them around. The other animals became bored with his change in attitude and fewer and fewer started showing up to look at his skin. But each day the crocodile exposed his skin to the sun, it was getting uglier and thicker, and was soon transformed into what looked like bulging armor.
Crocodile never recovered from the humiliating shame and even today will disappear from view when others approach, with only his eyes and nostrils above the surface of the water.
