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时间:2013-12-08 10:10来源:http://yr.89sp.com 作者:编辑组 点击:
从前,一个法老在谋臣和仆从的陪伴下前往卜塔神庙。他碰巧去首席文书的住宅看了看。住宅后面有一座花园,里边有一幢避暑别墅和一个人工湖。 法老的随从中,有一个年轻人长得很

The Wax Crocodile
Once upon a time a Pharaoh, accompanied by his counselors and servants went towards the temple of the god Ptah. It chanced that he paid a visit to the villa of the chief scribe, behind which there was a garden with a summer house and an artificial lake.
Among those who followed Pharaoh was a handsome youth, and the scribe's wife beheld him with love. Soon afterwards she sent gifts to him, and they had secret meetings. They spent a day in the summer house, and feasted there, and in the evening the youth bathed in the lake. The butler then went to his master and informed him what had come to pass.
The scribe bade the servant to bring a certain magic box, and he made a small wax crocodile, over which he muttered a spell. He placed it in the hands of the butler, saying," Cast this image into the lake behind the youth when next he bathes himself.”
On another day, when the scribe was with Pharaoh,the lovers were together in the summer house, and at eventide the youth went into the lake. The butler stole through the garden, and quietly he cast into the water the wax image, which was immediately given life. It became a great crocodile that seized the youth suddenly and took him away.
Seven days passed, and then the scribe spoke to the Pharaoh regarding the wonder which had been done, and made request that His Majesty should accompany him to his villa. The Pharaoh did so, and when they both stood beside the lake in the garden the scribe spoke magic words, bidding the crocodile to appear. The great reptile came outof the water carrying the youth in its jaws.
The scribe said, "Lo! It shall do whatever I command to be done.”
Said the Pharaoh, "Bid the crocodile to return at once to the lake.”
Before he did that, the scribe touched it, and immediately it became a small image of wax again. The Pharaoh was filled with wonder, and the scribe related to him all that had happened, while the youth stood waiting.Said His Majesty unto the crocodile,"Seize the wrong-doer.” The wax image was again given life, and, clutching the youth, leaped into the lake and disappeared. Nor was it ever seen after that.
Then Pharaoh gave command that the wife of the scribe should be seized. On the north side of the house she was bound to a stake and burned alive, and what remained of her was thrown into the Nile.
