一天,有个人坐上了从巴黎开往法兰克福的火车。他一上车就对检票员说:"先生,我要你帮我个忙。我必须在曼海姆下车,但我很累,很快就会睡着。所以我想让你在曼海姆把我叫醒,我必须要去那里谈一笔很重要的生意。这是给你的100法郎的小费,但我提醒你,有时别人叫醒我的时候,我会很恼火,但不管我说什么做什么,你都要把我在曼海姆赶下火车,明白了吗?” 检票员拿了100块的小费爽快地答应了。那人果然像他自己所说的那样,很快就睡着了,但他醒来后发现自己已经在法兰克福了。他跑到检票员那里,暴跳如雷,冲着检票员大喊:“你是傻还是怎么回事?我给了你100法郎让你在曼海姆叫醒我,你都办不到,现在把钱还给我!” 那人冲着售票员大喊大叫,车上另外两个人在边上看热闹。 第一个人说:“看那个家伙!简直疯了!" 第二个人说:“是啊!简直和那个在曼海姆被赶下车的家伙一样发疯!" Get Me off This Train One day a man took the train from Paris to Frankfurt. When he got in he said to the ticket man, “Sir, I really need you to do me a favor, I have to get down this train in Mannheim, but I,m very tired and it is for sure that I will fall asleep. So what I want you to do is that you wake me up in Mannheim because I have to close a business there and it is very important for me. Here you have 100 francs for the favor. But I warn you sometimes when people wake me up I get really violent, but no matter you got to get me out of this train in Mannheim. Is that clear?" So the ticket man agreed and took the 100 francs. Later as the man had said he fell asleep,and when he woke up he realized that he was in Frankfurt. He was so mad at the ticket man that he ran over and started yelling at the ticket man. " Are you stupid or something? I paid you 100 francs so that you could wake me up in Mannheim. And you didn't, so I want my money back!” While the man was yelling at the ticket guy, two other guys that were also in the train were looking at them, so one turned to the other and said to him: Man 1:"Look at this guy! He is mad!” Man 2:“Yeah! He’s almost as mad as the guy they made get out of the train in Mannheim." |