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时间:2013-11-24 18:36来源:http://yr.89sp.com 作者:编辑组 点击:
一个年轻人正在人生的顶峰时却被诊断出患了白血病。他的心立刻笼罩在了无边无际的绝望之中。他感到人生没有意义,拒绝接受任何治疗。 一个深秋的下午,他从医院里逃出来,漫无

A Blind Man’s Mirror
A young man was diagnosed with leukemia' at the peak of life. His heart was shrouded in infinite despair right off. He felt life was meaningless and refused any medical treatment.
In a late autumn afternoon, he escaped from the hospital, wandering aimlessly along the streets. Suddenly, a piece of melody which was faintly hoarse" but singular heroic attracted him. Not far off, a blind old man was fiddling with a polished instrument, playing sentimentally to a few pedestrians. And also what caught people’s eyes was that a mirror hung in the blind man’s arms.
The young man came up curiously and asked after the blind person finished playing a song, “Excuse me, is this your mirror?”
“Yes. My instrument and my mirror are two treasures of mine! Music is the finest thing in the world. I often amuse myself with it and can feel how beautiful the life is...”
“But what does this mirror mean to you?” the young man couldn't wait to ask.
The blind smiled faintly and said, “I hope a miracle will appear one day and I believe that someday I can see my face in this mirror. So wherever I may go, no matter what time it is, I will take it with myself.”
The leukemia patient’s heart was shocked. A blind person could even love life so much, but I... Suddenly, he got a thorough understanding and calmly returned to the hospital for treatment.
From then on, he also had two treasures of life: sunny attitude and firm faith.

diagnose  诊断
leukemia  白血病
shroud  笼罩
hoarse  嘶哑的
singular  奇异的
fiddle  盲目摆弄
sentimentally  富有情感地
pedestrian  行人