一名士兵被准假回家看望父母。太阳已经落下很久了,他还在赶路,周围一片漆黑。他碰巧要经过一个墓地,正在这时他听到有人在他身后边跑边喊:“停下!你跑不了啦!’’ 他回头一看,有一具僵尸咬牙切齿地追着。士兵用尽全力跳到一旁来躲避僵尸。这时,他突然看见一座小教堂,就径直跑了进去。 教堂里连个人影也没有,在一张桌上却直挺挺地躺着另一具僵尸,前面点着一支细长的蜡烛。 士兵藏到了一个角落里,一直躲着,几乎不清楚自己是死还是活,只好眼睁睁地看着会发生什么事。很快第一具僵尸跑了过来,冲到了教堂里。躺在桌上的那具僵尸一下子跳了起来,对着它大喊: “你跑到这里干什么?” "我追着一个士兵到了这里,我要把他吃掉。" "噢,兄弟!他跑到了我的地盘,就没有你吃的份了。” “不行,我吃!’’ "不行,我吃!” 他们两个打了起来,尘土飞扬。这时公鸡开始打鸣了,要不然的话他们两个还要打很久。两具僵尸扑通倒在地上,一命呜呼了。于是,士兵平安地踏上了回家的路,嘴里说着: “噢,上帝啊!僵尸死了,我终于得救了!" The Two Corpses A soldier had obtained leave to go home to see his parents. And as he was going his way, at a time when the sun had long set, and all was dark around, it chanced that he had to pass by a graveyard. Just then he heard that someone was running after him, and crying:“Stop! You can’t escape!” He looked back and there was a corpse running and gnashing its teeth. The soldier sprang on one side with all his might to get away from it when he caught sight of a little chapel, and bolted straight into it. There wasn’t a soul in the chapel,but stretched out on a table there lay another corpse, with tapers burning in front of it. The soldier hid himself in a corner, and remained there hardly knowing whether he was alive or dead, but waiting to see what would happen. Presently up ran the first corpse and dashed into the chapel. The one that was lying on the table jumped up, and cried to it: “What have you come here for?” “I’ve chased a soldier in here, so I’m going to eat him. ” “Oh, brother! He’s run into my house. I shall eat him myself. ’’ “No,I shall!” “No, I shall!” And they began to fight; the dust flew like anything. They’d have gone on fighting ever so much longer, only the cocks began to crow. Then both the corpses fell lifeless to the ground, and the soldier went on his way homeward in peace, saying: “〇 Lord! I am saved from the corpses!” |