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时间:2013-11-22 11:38来源:http://yr.89sp.com 作者:编辑组 点击:
很久以前,在尼曰利亚,有一个天生的盲人,并且还天生跛足。一天晚上,他坐在自家门前,想到自己既不能走路也看不见任何东西,他不禁自怨自艾起来。 突然,一只鸽子飞到了他身

The Man, the Hawk and the Dove
Long ago in Nigeria, there was a man who had been both blind and lame all his life. One evening, as he was sitting in front of his house, he couldn't help but feel sorry for himself. After all, he could not walk or see. All of a sudden, a dove flew into his robe.
“Save me!” whispered the dove.
Then a hawk stopped in front of the man. “This dove is mine,,,said the hawk.
The man gripped the robe tightly.
“I beg you, you don’t know how terribly hungry I am. If I don't have that dove, I will die,” said the hawk. Then the hawk added, “I’ll tell you what. Hawks see for miles a- round. If you release the dove to me, I’ll share the secret of how your eyesight can be restored. ”
The man hesitated. After all, wasn’t it the basic nature of all things that one beast hunts another?
“You mustn’t listen to that hawk!” whispered the dove frantically. “If you save me from certain death, I’ll tell you how your legs can be healed so you can walk. ”
What was he to do? Fortunately, the footsteps of his best friend were approaching.
“Should I gain my sight? Or should I gain my legs?” he asked his friend.
The friend was silent. “Well,” he said at last, “you will have to paddle your own canoe. I can’t help you decide this one. ’’
“Next time you ask, I’ll be sure to give good advice, too!” the man called out as his friend walked quickly away.
The man thought for a few minutes. He asked the hawk, “Suppose you should get a chicken instead of the dove. Would that be all right?”
The hawk said, “Far better! I couldn't get a chicken, so I had to settle for this dove. ”
The man said, “I see. ” Then he told the dove, “Now, I will save your life, but you must keep your promise to me. ” And he said to the hawk, “I will provide you with food, and you are bound to keep your promise to me. ”
So the man gave a chicken to the hawk. In return the hawk told him that he must get a certain leaf, prepare it, and squeeze the juice from it into his eyes. Then he would be able to see again. So the man released the hawk.
After the hawk had disappeared into the sky he said to the dove, “I protected you. You must keep your promise to me. ” So the dove told him what he must do to regain the use of his legs. And he released the dove.
The man followed the instructions of both the birds, the dove and the hawk, and was delighted to find that he could now see perfectly, and walk steadily.
