很久很久以前,两个和尚正默默地穿过森林。年轻一点儿的叫安贾恩,另一个年长一点儿的叫南达。 最后他们来到了一条小溪边,在那儿,他们看到一个年轻漂亮的姑娘,穿着精美,站在岸上。她很难过,因为她既想过河,却又不知道如何才能不弄湿她那的长袍。 南达毫不犹豫地就把姑娘抱起来,过了河,把她放在干净的地上。姑娘谢过了他就继续赶路了,和尚们也默默地继续他们的旅程。 安贾恩有一点哀伤,有一点疑惑。他烦躁不安,最后再也忍不住了。 “安达师兄,"他说,“我不明白该怎么说这事。你知道我们的戒律很严厉,我们不能对女人说那么多话。但是……但是……你看见那位姑娘,你……呃……你把她抱起来,又……带她过了河!可是……”他继续说着,几乎喘不过气来了。“你却继续赶路,好像什么事也没发生一样!” "这很简单。”南达说,‘'我只是把她放到了对岸,而你呢,安贾恩师弟,你却还没放下她啊!" Two Monks and a Beautiful Lady Once upon a time many moons ago, two monks were walking in silence through the forest. A younger monk, Anjan, and an older monk, Nanda. Eventually their path led to a stream. There they saw a beautiful young lady, exquisitely clad, standing on the bank. She was in great distress because she wanted to cross the stream, but did not know how without getting her fine long robes wet. Without hesitation Nanda scooped her up, crossed the stream, and set her down on dry ground. She thanked him and continued on her way, and the monks continued on theirs again in silence. Anjan was a bit distressed and confused. He got restless and then finally spoke up. “Brother Nanda,” he said, “I do not know what to make of it. You know our order is an austere order, and we cannot so much as speak to a woman. But... but... you saw that lady, you... uh... picked her up and. . . carried her across the stream! And yet...” he continued, almost choking, “You just keep on walking as if nothing happened ! ” “It is quite simple,”Nanda replied. “I set her down on the opposite bank, but you, |