拿破仑•波拿巴的四位优秀将领指挥部队打了大胜仗,拿破仑慷慨地问四位功臣:"你们想要什么我都会答应你们的。” 其中一名军官是德国人,他说:“我一直想在巴黎有栋房子。" 拿破仑说:“好,就在巴黎给你买一栋房子。” 第二名军官是法国人,“我一直想要有座大酒店。" 皇帝说:“好,我就给你座酒店。” 第三个波兰人说:“我一直想有个酿酒厂。” 皇帝说:“好,我就给你个酿酒厂! ” 皇帝转向第四个人说:“还有你呢?你想要什么?” 第四个人说:"我想要两个周的假期。” 皇帝说:"好,你明天就可以休假了丨” 第四个人恰好是犹太人,在当时人们都认为犹太人很精明,善于把握商机。于是同伴们都奇怪他要的太少了,错失千载难逢的发财机会,暗自庆幸自己聪明,索要了值钱的东西。 那天晚些时候他们遇到了犹太人,便嘲笑他:“你怎么就要那么少?不敢要吧?” 犹太人说:“你们要的是不少,但你们要明白,皇帝是个大忙人,他会让他的秘书来兑现自己的许诺。秘书又会让他的助手来实现这一许诺,而助手也是一个大忙人,所以皇帝的命令 一级一级地传下来需要好几个月的时间……这样许诺就会被忘得一干二净。" “我们要见皇帝!”法国人大喊。 犹太人说:“皇帝才不会知道你们在说什么呢!我们伟大的胜利现在已经很黯淡了,你们应该要求一些皇帝可以立即给予的东西——像我这样!现在先生们,失陪了,我还有事要做。"三个军官目瞪口呆,而犹太人径直回去收拾行李准备度假了。 Napoleon Bonaparte led four of his finest commanders won a great battle for him, and Napoleon Bonaparte was in a generous mood. “Ask for anything and I’ll give it to you, ” he said to the four officers who had distinguished themselves. "I've always wanted a house in Paris,11 said one of the men, a German. “Done!” said Napoleon. “You’ll get a mansion in the city. ” "I’Ve always desired to own a hotel, ’’ said the second officer, a Frenchman. "Done! ” said the emperor. “ I’ll order a hotel to be given to you." “I’Ve always wanted a brewery," said the third man, a Pole. "Done! ” said the emperor. “ I will give you a brewery!" "And you, sir?” he said, turning to the fourth man. "What will you have?" "Grant me a fortnight’s leave,” said the man. “Done! ” said the emperor. " Your leave begins from tomorrow! ” Now the fourth man happened to be a Jew, and in those days at least, Jews were supposed to be shrewd and possess great business acumen. So his colleagues were surprised that he had asked for so little. They felt he had missed a rare opportunity to become rich, and were elated that they themselves had kept their wits about them and asked for worthwhile things. They asked him about it when they ran into him later that day. "Why did you ask for so little?” they taunted him. " Did courage fail you?” "You asked for a lot, ” replied the Jew. " But you must remember that the emperor is a busy man. He will order his secretary to fulfill his promises. His secretary too is a busy man. He will pass on the order to his assistant who too is a busy man. So the emperor’s order will go down from subordinate to subordinate and finally in the course of a few months.. it'll get lost!" "We'll appeal to the emperor!" shouted the Frenchman. "The emperor will not know what you're talking about," said the Jew. “By then our great victory will have become a dim memory. You should have asked for something that the emperor could give immediately——like I did. Now, if you'll excuse me gentlemen, I have work to do. ” And leaving the three officers gaping, the Jew went off to arrange for his holiday. |