主人在家等朋友来玩,他让仆人把两个熟透的芒果切好,等朋友来了就端上来。仆人经不住诱惑吃了一块,芒果很甜,他禁不住又吃了一块。贪吃的本性显现了出来,他狼吞虎咽把剩下的芒果都吃了。 忽然他看到主人的朋友向房子走来。他脑子飞快转动起来,抓起一把生锈的刀子,跑到主人那里说,刀子钝了没法切芒果。 "我来磨一下! ”主人说着跑到花园的磨石旁,开始磨刀。 趁主人磨刀的时候,仆人跑出来迎接朋友。"小心!小心! ”仆人遇到朋友的时候说道, “别来我们家了,主人疯了,要把你的耳朵割下来!” “割我的耳朵! ”那人惊叫着,面色苍白,“为什么?! ” “他正在磨刀呢。”仆人告诉他。朋友确实看到他的主人在磨刀,手握尖刀有些发狂,来不及问为什么就转身快步离开了。 仆人跑到主人那里说那个朋友拿了芒果就逃跑了。 什么! ”主人说,‘'贪婪的家伙!把两个芒果都拿走了?” "是啊。仆人回答。 主人跑去追朋友,边追边喊:“给我一个!至少给我留一个!” 那人以为他要割自己的一只耳朵,飞奔着逃命去了丨 The Servant’s Ruse A man was expecting a visit from an acquaintance. He gave two ripe mangoes to his servant and asked him to slice them and serve the fruit when the man came. The servant gave in to temptation and ate a slice. It was so sweet he could not resist eating another one. Then the madness of gluttony seized him and he devoured all the remaining pieces. Suddenly he saw the man his master was expecting coming towards the house. He thought fast. He grabbed a rusty knife and rushing to his master told him he couldn’t cut the mangoes as the knife was blunt. I’ll sharpen it, ” said his master and going to a stone in the garden began to rub the cutting edge of the knife against it. Leaving him to the task, the servant ran out to meet the man who was coming. “ Beware! Beware!" he said when he reached him. " Don't come to our house. My master has gone mad. He's planning to cut both your ears. ” "Cut my ears!” exclaimed the man, turning pale. “Why?!” "There he is sharpening the knife," said the servant. The man saw that his host did indeed have a knife in his hands and was sharpening it with what looked to him like a maniacal fury. He did not wait to find out why his host wanted his ears. He turned around and started walking away as fast as he could. The servant rushed back to his master and told him that the man he had invited was running away with the mangoes. “What!" said his master. “The greedy fellow! Has he taken both the mangoes?! ” “Yes," said the servant. The man ran after the acquaintance shouting, “Give me one! Give me one at least! ” The other man thought he was asking for one of his ears and ran for his life! |