很久以前,森林里住着一只豺叫萨姆。他生性狡诈,所以没有朋友,甚至同类动物,比如狐狸、狗和狼都躲着他,不与他为伍。 夜晚,萨姆大声嗥叫恐吓森林里的其他动物,扰乱了平静安定的生活,于是小动物们一听到他发出难听的声音就钻进自己的洞穴。可恶的萨姆却残忍地以此为乐,说道不准你们钻洞穴,森林里的其他动物嗥叫的声音可以比我大,但我自己的吼声就可以震倒他们。” 萨姆的骚扰依旧猖狂,可悲的是没有动物敢制止他的恐吓,直到有一天发生了一百八十度大转弯,他的威胁突然得到了遏制。一群游客来访后,留下了一个 恐龙面具,萨姆戴上它,朝其他动物吼道:“都给我看好了,现在我就是一只勇猛的恐龙,力大无比,可以踏平整个宇宙。走到哪我都要戴着这个面具。" . 小动物们都很害怕,吓得浑身发抖。他们受不了恐龙带来的破坏。萨姆带着恐龙的面具,像国王一样统治着整个丛林。日子一天天地过去了。有一天,萨姆醉醺醺地走到了森林的一个偏僻角落。他独自一人,无法嚎叫,突然一块酷似动物的巨石来到了他的面前。他不敢相信自己的眼睛。那是一只恐龙。他根本不是真恐龙的对手。他听到了几个世纪前生活在这个地球上巨型动物的声音。萨姆用尽全力大声吼叫,请求救援,但只是白费力气。那只真正的恐龙把豺狼踩死在脚下后,就离开了。 Crooked Jackal Long ago, there lived a crooked jackal named Sam in a forest. He had no friends as he behaved like a crooked animal. Even animal of his gene like fox, dog, wolf did not mingle with him. They all avoided the jackal. During the night, he terrorized other animals in the forest by howling loudly. In the calm, serene atmosphere the howling of Sam became a nuisance. The little animals used to carve into their burrows as soon as the jackal produces the ugly sound. It was pure sadism, which followed the wicked animal. "No, other animals in this jungle can howl louder than me, but my mere voice will horrify all other animals ,M he added. The harassment of the jackal continued un-abated. Unfortunately, none of the animals in the forest dared to ask Sam to stop this menace. The pressure tactics of the jackal, to bewilder the animals, took a quiver turn one day. He got a mask of the giant ani-mal dinosaur, left out by a group of tourists. After adorning the mask, the jackal shouted at other animals, "Look, now onwards I am a dinosaur, with the strength and courage, I can sabotage the entire universe. I will walk always wearing this mask,” he announced. The little animals were frightened and shivered. They could not withstand the extent of damage to be caused by a dinosaur. Sam ruled the jungle like a king adorning the mask of a dinosaur. Days passed. One day the jackal in an inebriated condition traveled to the remote corner of the forest. He was alone. He could not howl, suddenly a huge rock like creature came in front of him. The jackal could not believe his eyes. It was adinosaur. He was not at all a match for the real dinosaur. He had heard about these giant animals, which lived on the earth, centuries ago. Sam tried to howl loudly for help, but was in vain. The real dinosaur crushed the jackal under his feet and walked away. |