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时间:2013-11-13 12:07来源:http://yr.89sp.com 作者:编辑组 点击:
杰克是一个做事欠考虑的男孩,他去离村子不远的圈起来的渔场偷鱼。他把身子探在渔场的边上,胳膊伸进水里去抓警惕性不高的鱼。 终于抓到了。他惊叫一声,我的聪明应付这些鱼绰
"终于抓到了。"他惊叫一声,"我的聪明应付这些鱼绰绰有余!摸起来好像是抓了条鳗鱼 他把胳膊从水中抽出来,令他恶心的是,他看到那不是一条鳗鱼,而是一条水蛇缠在自己的胳膊上。他尖叫了一声,把蛇扔进了水里。他站起来,正要跑回家,这时看到老渔夫安德鲁站在他面前,挡住了去路。

The Fisherman and the Thief
Jack, a rather thoughtless boy, went to the enclosed fishing area not far from the village to steal fish. He leaned over the side of the enclosure and put his arm in the water as deep as he could and searched for an unwary fish.
"At last," he exclaimed, "I am too clever for these fish! It feels as if I have found an eel."
He pulled his arm out of the water and to his disgust saw that it was not an eel but a water snake and it coiled around his arm. He screamed and threw the snake back into the water. He got to his feet and was about to run off home when he saw Andrew, the old fisherman, standing in front of him and blocking the road.
"This time I'll let you off as usaul," said the fisherman, "but don't ever forget the saying of an old man: ‘Consider an unlawful possession as if it were a poisonous snake.
