半夜时分,马丁悄悄地进了城堡果园。他装满了两袋子水果,这时候他决定要带一袋子回家。 他用肩膀扛着水果,沿着果园的墙走着,塔楼的钟表正好敲12 点。轻风吹过,树枝沙沙作响。突然之间,马丁注意到一个黑影跟在自己身后,仿佛也杠着一个袋子。 马丁吓得大叫一声,扔下袋子飞也似的跑了。同时,那个幽灵也扔下包,一直跟马丁肩并肩地沿着果园的墙狂奔,跑到墙的尽头后消失了。 次日,马丁开始给每个人讲幽灵的事,但是对涉及自己偷盗的事 却只字未提。同一天,市长传他去。说,昨夜你到城堡果园偷盗了。袋子上有你父亲的名字,人们找到袋子后就明白是你偷的东西。你将被关在塔里,以示惩罚。半夜你看到的那个黑影是你的影子照到墙上去的,墙是刚刷的,而且昨天是个月圆之夜。” “在暗中行动的人总是心虚。坏人甚至连沙沙响都害怕,连自己的影子都逃避,就像昨天夜里你的情况一样。" The Phantom It was midnight when Martin entered the castle garden in secret. He filled two bags with fruit and was intent on taking one home at that very moment. While he walked along the garden wall with the bag on his shoulder, the tower-clock struck twelve. The breeze rustled through the tree branches. All of a sudden Martin noticed a black figure following him which looked as though it were also carrying bag on its shoulder. Terrified, Martin uttered a cry and dropping the bag ran off as fast as he could. At the same time the phantom figure also dropped his bag and ran side by side with Martin the whole length of the wall and disappeared. The following day, Martin began to tell everyone of the story of the phantom but did not mention a word which would reveal him as the author of the theft. On the same day the mayor called him and said, "Last night you stole fruit from the castle orchard. The bags, bearing your father's name, were found and this is the thing that has betrayed you. As punishment you will be closed in the tower. The black figure which you saw at midnight was projected on the wall. The wall was freshly painted and last night there was a full moon. ” "He who works in darkness is always afraid. A bad person is afraid even of the noise made by the rustling of leaves and flees from his own shadow as is the case in which you found yourself last night. ” |