一个炎热的夏日,一位有名的城市律师和乡下人撞了车。律师从他的宝马里出来,乡下人从他的皮卡车里出来查看车撞得怎样,乡下人意识到是他的错…… “你这个蠢货!”律师喊道。 “蠢货,哼?”乡下人心想,"我该怎么脱身呢?” 他看见城市律师穿着考究,就回到车里,拿出一个瓶子,走了回来。他把瓶子递给律师 说:"嘿,你看起来受了惊吓。我觉得你应该喝一小口这个。它会使你镇定下来的……自己家 里酿的。” 律师喝了一点,但看着损坏的汽车,他气得不想说话。乡下人又说你看起来还是有点脸色苍白。再来一点吧?"这个自鸣得意、虚荣的律师就又喝了一口。 几分钟后,穿着羊毛西装的他感觉到了太阳的热量。这时乡下人说今天真是热啊。像这样的天气,这里的人们都不穿鞋子。为什么不脱下你那高档鞋子和袜子呢?” 律师皱着眉头说脱下鞋子和袜子? ”但是律师又喝了几口后,乡下人又这样问他,后来又问他,最后律师醉醺醺地笑了,把又光又亮的鞋子连同袜子都脱了。 接着乡下人又说了 : “为什么不把那条花哨的领带解下来呢?” “解下领带?”律师嘲笑着说,"我是一个律师! ”但他看了看赤着的脚,就把领带解了下来…… 乡下人说还有你的西装呢?你这样子光着脚,穿着西装站在这里 看起来很滑稽。我还有一件工装裤,你穿起来,我们再商量一下如何解决撞车的问题。” 在乡下人的促使下,律师喝了一口,一口,又一口。 裤带、袖扣、公文包什么的已经堆成了一堆,而律师现在却站不起来了。 过了半个小时,律师说他感觉好点了,问乡下人要不要也来一口。 然后他意识到乡下人不见了……他那昂贵的衣服也不见了…… “不是我。”乡下人从树后面走出来,回答道。只见他穿着律师的衣服,拿着律师宝马的钥匙。他看着这个先前穿着考究、体面威严的律师,坐在泥里,赤脚穿着工装裤,醉得丑鼬一 般,变成了十足的乡下人。 “我在等警察。”乡下人说道。 The Well-dressed Lawyer and the Redneck A famous city lawyer and a redneck got into a car wreck on a hot summer day. The lawyer got out of his BMW, and the redneck got out of his pickup to survey the damage, and the redneck realized he was at fault... "You stupid hick!” shouted the lawyer. “Hick, huh?" thought the redneck, “How am I going to get out of this?" After looking over the well-dressed city lawyer, the redneck walked back to his car, got out a bottle, and brought it back. He handed it to the lawyer, and said, " Hey, you look pretty shook up. I think you ought to take a nip of this. It’ll steady your nerves... It’s homemade. ” The lawyer did, but because he was so angry about the wreck, he refused to speak. The redneck then said, "You still look a little bit pale. How about another?" The smug, pompous lawyer took another swallow. After a few minutes,he began to feel the heat of the sun through his wool suit. Then the redneck said, “ It’s mighty hot today. Folks around here don’t usually wear shoes on a day like this. Why don’t you take off your fancy shoes, and the socks, too?" The lawyer frowned, "Take off my shoes and socks?" But after a few more sips, the redneck asked him again, and then again, and finally the lawyer let out a drunken laugh, and took off his polished shoes and socks. Then the redneck said, " Why don't you take off that fancy tie?” "Take off my tie?" said the lawyer with a sneer in his voice, "I’m a lawyer! ” Then he looked down at his bare feet and took off his tie... The redneck said, " And the suit? You look kind of funny standing there barefoot in a suit1 I got another pair of overalls you can wear while we figure out what to do about this situation! ” At the urging of the redneck, the lawyer then took another sip, and another, and another. The suspenders and the cufflinks and the briefcase were all in a heap now, and the lawyer was having a hard time standing up. After another half hour, the lawyer said he was feeling pretty good, and asked the redneck if he didn’t think that he ought to have a little nip, too. Then he realized he couldn’t find the redneck... or his expensive clothes... "Not me," replied the redneck, stepping out from behind a tree and wearing the lawyer’s clothes and holding the keys to his BMW. He looked at the formerly well-dressed and dignified lawyer, sitting in the dirt, barefoot in overalls and drunk as a skunk and transformed into a true redneck. “I’m waiting for the police,” said the redneck. |