一天夜里,一位黑人妇女在高速公路上遇到了瓢泼大雨。她的汽车坏了,非常需要有人帮忙抱着试试的想法,她敲响了路旁一户人家的门。那是充满种族歧视和冲突的20世纪1960年代。 开门的是一位白人妇女。问明情况后,她让黑人妇女进屋了,帮她烤干衣服,并留她住了一晚。第二天,白人妇女又找人修好了汽车,送她离去。这一切让黑人妇女感动得热泪盈眶。 一晃几年过去了,白人妇女似乎已淡忘了此事,但她的家庭却正处于前所未有的经济危机,已快揭不开锅了。正当她焦头烂额之时,却意外地收到了一笔巨额汇款,附言上写着:“亲爱的罗西太太,非常感谢你那晚的出手相助。像你这样的好心人,一定会有好报的,上帝祝福你!” Virtuous Deeds At 12 o’clock one night, a black woman suffered from the lashing of the downpour on the expressway. Her car broke down. She really needed help. Holding an idea of having a try, she knocked on the door of a house by the road. It was in the 1960s full of racial discrimination and conflict. The one who opened the door was a white woman. After inquiry, she let the black woman into the house, helped her dry her clothes and asked her to stay the night. The next day, the white woman had the car fixed and sent her away. All this moved the black woman to tears. A few years later,the white woman seemed to have forgotten the matter, but her family was in an economic crisis than ever and was almost running out of food. As she was bogged down on this, she unexpectedly received a large sum of money, enclosed with a postscript, “Dear Mrs. Rosie, thank you very much for your help that night. Kind people like you must be rewarded. God bless you!" unexpectedly 未料到地;意外地 postscript 附言;(正文后的补充说明) |