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时间:2013-11-01 09:29来源:http://yr.89sp.com 作者:编辑组 点击:
一位印度教徒步行到喜马拉雅山的圣庙去朝圣。路途遥远,山路难行,他虽然携带很少的行李,但沿途走来,还是显得举步维艰。就在他前方,他看到一个小女孩,年纪不到10岁, 背着
一位印度教徒步行到喜马拉雅山的圣庙去朝圣。路途遥远,山路难行,他虽然携带很少的行李,但沿途走来,还是显得举步维艰。就在他前方,他看到一个小女孩,年纪不到10岁, 背着一个胖嘟嘟的小男孩,也正缓慢地向前移动。她气喘得很厉害,一直在流汗,可她的双手还是紧紧呵护着背上的小孩。

Love Has No Weight
A Hindu walked to the sacred shrine in the Himalayas for pilgrimage. The journey was long and the mountain road was hard to walk. So though he carried little baggage, he still walked hard. Just ahead of him, he saw a little girl, less than 10 years old, carrying a chubby boy on her back and also moving on slowly. She panted heavily and kept sweating, but her hands still firmly protected the boy on her back.
When passing by the little girl, the Hindu said to her sympathetically, “My girl, you must be very tired because what you carry is so heavy!” Hearing this, the little girl said unhappily, “What you carry is a weight, but what I carry is not a weight, he is my little brother.”
It is true, on the scale, whether it is a brother or a burden, there is no difference, for it will show the actual weight, but for a heart, what the little girl said is right: what she carried was her little brother, not a weight, for the burden was the weight. She loved her little brother from the heart.
Love has no weight, so love is not a burden but the happy solicitude and selfless devotion.

sacred  神圣的;庄严的
pilgrimage  朝圣之行
chubby  圆胖的
pant  气喘;喘息
sympathetically  同情地;怜悯地
solicitude  关怀;关心
