纸牌card[英][kɑ:d] [美][kɑrd] 乔治三世问一度大名鼎鼎的才子霍恩·图克,会不会玩纸牌。 “陛下,”图克回答说:“在玩纸牌方面,我只不过是幼儿园的水平。我甚至分不清国王和无赖。” George Ⅲ asked the once well knownwit, Horne Tooke,whether he could play cards. “Your Majesty,” replied Tooke,“ I am a mere childwhere cards are concerned. I cannot even tell a King from a Knave.” 中英文例句 Check the numbers below against the numbers on your card. 把下列数字和你卡片上的数字比照一下。 They check my bag and press card. 他们检查我的包和记者证。 ...her membership card... 她的会员证 The authorities have begun to issue ration cards. 当局已经开始发放定量配给卡。 He paid the whole bill with an American Express card... 他用美国运通卡付了全部账款。 Holidaymakers should beware of using plastic cards in foreign cash dispensers. 外出度假时,在外币取款机上使用银行卡一定要小心。 |