视频介绍后人则从这段故事中的“吕布欣喜无限,频以目视貂蝉。貂蝉亦以秋波送情”几句话,概括出了“暗送秋波”这个成语。 秋波,旧时形容美女的眼睛像秋天的水波一样清澈明亮。“暗送秋波”一词原意指暗中眉目传情,后多引申为献媚取宠,暗中勾搭,多含贬意。也用作“秋波暗送”、“秋波送情”。 暗送秋波的英文意译: make eyes at a man [woman] (while others are not looking); 中英文例句 1、我今晚一定要向萨拉表白。我可以感觉到,她整晚都在对我暗送秋波。 I'm gonna pull sarah tonight, I can tell, she's been giving me the eye all night. 2、一撇暗送秋波,秋波产生叹息,叹息萌生愿望,愿望伴随话语,话语凝成一封信。 For glances beget ogles, ogles beget sighs, sighs beget wishes, wishes beget words, and words beget a letter. 3、她的眼睛如此有魅力,没有人能抵挡的了她的暗送秋波。 She has very charming eyes and no one can resist when she makes eyes at them. |