视频介绍一天,驴子一声长鸣,老虎非常害怕,远远地逃走;认为驴子将要咬自己,非常恐惧。然而老虎来来往往地观察它,觉得驴子好像没有什么特殊的本领似的;渐渐地习惯了它的叫声,又靠近它前前后后地走动;但老虎始终不敢和驴子搏击。慢慢地,老虎又靠近了驴子,态度更为随便,碰擦倚靠、冲撞冒犯它。驴非常愤怒,用蹄子踢老虎。老虎因此而欣喜,盘算此事,心想到:“驴子的本领只不过如此罢了!”于是跳跃起来,大声吼叫,咬断驴的喉咙,吃完了它的肉,才离去。 后来,大家就把这只驴子在黔地被老虎吃掉的这个故事演变成“黔驴之技”这句成语,比喻人有限的一点本领已经用完。也说“黔驴技穷”。 黔驴技穷英文意译: a person who has exposed his limited ability Qian donkey originally not long this place and have a preference bore with ship carrying a donkey into guizhou. But nothing to use after, and placed it in the mountain. The tiger saw it, a (original) (the) is a huge animal, regard it as something magic. So is hidden among trees secretly see it. The tiger gradually, very close to it out carefully, do not know what it is. One day, a donkey, tiger very afraid, keep far away, Think donkey will bite, very fear. However the tiger watch it go, think donkey seem to have no special skills, Gradually, it is used to walking back and near it, But the tiger always dare not and the donkey. Slowly, the tiger and the donkey, near the attitude more casual and rubbed it in, and mangle offend. Donkey very angry and kicked the tiger. The tiger, thinking and therefore, thought: "(the) ability just so donkey!" Then jumps up and roared, bite the donkey's throat, ate meat, just leave it. Later, people took it only by tigers in qian donkey eaten into the story QianLvZhiJi "analogy" this idiom, who has a limited ability. Also said "out". |