视频介绍相传古时候,有一种虫,叫域,又叫短狐,有时也称作射卫或射影。它的头上长角,背上有甲,没有眼睛,三只脚,耳朵非常灵敏,有翅膀,能在水面飞翔,嘴里长得象弩,形状象鳖。当它在水边时,如果有人蓄从它身边经过,它就会喷出一股气体,直射向人体,被射中的人蓄就会全身生病。当它在水面时,如果听见有人的脚步声走近,它就会用嘴含着细沙朝人或人倒映在水面的影子喷射,人体或人影被射中的,也会生病。现在用来比喻用心险恶,手段卑劣的人,暗中造谣诬篾,打击陷害别人。 英文意译: hold sand in the mouth and shoot it at a shadow -- injury to men inflicted by evil persons; attack by innuendo; attack by insinuation; express one's hidden sentiments and feelings by means of gentle allusions and ambiguous phrases; 中英文例句: 1. I'm sure he thinks I stole the money—he kept making innuendoes about my "new-found-wealth". 我确信他一定以为钱是我偷的,因为他不断含沙射影地说我“新近发了财”。 2. Even when they argued, they did so without tip-toeing around each other's feeling. 他们就是吵嘴,也从不含沙射影,指桑骂槐。 3. The report was based on rumours, speculation, and innuendo. 这份报告建立在谣言、臆断和含沙射影的基础之上。 4. The insinuation fortified her resistance. 那含沙射影的暗示增添了她抵抗的力量。 5. You'll get nothing from me. What do you mean by your insinuations, anyhow?" 你别想从我手里拿到钱,你那些含沙射影的话是什么意思?” |