视频介绍【出处】好便宜!你倒会打如意算盘!十三个半月工钱,只付三个月!你同我了事,我却不同你干休! 清·李宝嘉《官场现形记》第四十四回 【释义】比喻考虑问题时从主观愿望出发,只从好的方面着想打算。 中英文例句: 1. You have upset my apple cart. 你破坏了我的如意算盘。 2. So it was good-bye to Chou Chung-wei's castles in the air. 周仲伟一肚子的如意算盘统统倒翻了。 3. Any action I took to circumvent his scheme was justified. 我为斗赢他的如意算盘而采取的任何行动都是正当的。 4. He routed his host's calculations by calling to the Rev. Doctor. 他叫了一声神学博士,从而击溃了他主人的如意算盘。 5. This was mere wishful thinking. 这不过是如意算盘。 |