有一天,在天堂的入口处,彼得看到一些纽约街头帮派的人,在天国的大门前走动。 彼得马上跑到上帝面前,说,“神啊,有一些邪恶的,偷窃的纽约人在天堂大门。我应该怎么做?” 上帝回答说,“做你通常应该去做的。让他们直接下地狱。” 于是,彼得去执行命令,他突然跑回来大叫:“啊,上帝,他们都没了,他们都没了!” “谁,纽约人?”上帝问。 “不,是天国的大门。”彼得回答。 One day at the entrance to heaven, St. Peter saw a New York street gang. walk up to the Pearly Gates. This being a first, St. Peter ran to God and said, "God, there are some evil, thieving New Yorkers at the Pearly Gates. What do I do?". God replied, "Just do what you normally do with that type. Re-direct them down to hell." St. Peter went back to carry out the order and all of a sudden he comes running back yelling "God, God, they're gone, they're gone!" "Who, the New Yorkers?". "No, the Pearly Gates." |