一对年轻的夫妇俩,来到海边钓鱼。看守人出现了,年轻夫妇赶紧跑走,看守人终于赶上了他们。”让我看看你的钓鱼许可证,孩子!”看守人说。 年轻人掏出自己的钱包,给了看守人有效的捕捞许可证。 ”嗯,孩子,”看守人说。”如果你有一个有效的许可证,你不必躲开我!” “是的,先生,”年轻人回答说。”但我的老婆,嗯,她没有……” A young couple, came to the seaside fishing. The watchman appeared, the young couple ran away, the game warden finally caught up with them. "Let me have a look your fishing license, child!" The watchman said. The young man took out his wallet, gave the game warden effective fishing license. "Well, son," said the keeper." If you have a valid license, you don't have to hide from me!" "Yes, sir," replied the young man." But my wife, well, she didn't......" |